• June 6, 2014
  • 560

The jubilee concert of the Fine Arts School in Rudomina

The Fine Arts School in Rudomina celebrated its 10th anniversary giving a concert: on the stage of Polish Culture House appeared students – from the youngest ones to graduates, as well as teachers. Pupils of the School showed not only what they are trained to do, but mainly their love to music. In the hall of Polish Culture House there could be admired the exhibition of art works of students from Rudomina.

Not only children from Rudomina go to the Fine Arts School. Music and art lessons in Rudomina are attended by children from Skojdziszki, Niemież, Czarny Bór, or even Turgiele. As the headmaster of the Fine Arts School in Rudomina Jerzy Krupiczewicz claims, children who come to this school from other villages are even more determined and diligent than students from Rudomina. They devote more time to come here, but they are more willing to learn.

Teachers from this school admit that on the first stage of education more often parents than students care more about learning music, or drawing. Later on it is a common work and common effort of a student, a teacher, and parents. Of course sometimes it is the case like the 12 years old Emilia Ukrainiec – who admired her older sister playing violin and piano – that is why she started her music lessons at the age of 6.

A few graduates of the Fine Arts School in Rudomina continue their studies in art universities in Lithuania and Poland. Some of them, although already finished school, still come to rehearsals of school bands. If they want to come back, it means that they like their school – this is the best recommendation.

Translated by Ewelina Filonik within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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