• February 12, 2013
  • 366

Tomaszewski: Our decisions may be more dynamic. Andrzej Pukszto’ s commentary


Yesterday’s statement made by Waldemar Tomaszewski concerning the possibility of leaving the ruling coalition by AWPL (the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania) has surprised many; especially as the prime Minister of Lithuania, Algirdas Butkevičius, meets today in Warsaw with the Prime Minister of Poland, Donald Tusk. According to the political scientist Andrzej Pukszto, the leader of AWPL plays too risky game.

“I can only confirm that I do not see the perspectives of cooperation. I would like to, but they are hard to see” – said Waldemar Tomaszewski in the conversation with PL DELFI.

Tomaszewski and AWPL level three basic charges against the coalition partners: the allocation of Budget, taking the posts in the government (according to the leader of AWPL,  the arrangement was different, but he did not want to comment on the details) and the coalition partners’ failure to keep their word.

Specified principles

The General Council of AWPL has to decide whether the party will leave the coalition. Tomaszewski said to PL DELFI that for the time being he will not call a meeting, but in this way he has clearly implied that if they fall short of the expectations, the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania will leave the coalition. “There have to be specified principles when it comes to politics. Otherwise it does not make any sense” – stressed the leader of AWPL.

Lack of satisfaction

There is no full agreement as for the unified exam in Lithuanian language. Despite the fact that yesterday Waldemar Tomaszewski told the journalists that the compromise has been almost reached. For his part, the Prime Minister added – “I think that the coalition is working  steadily so it will be further working steadily. (…) We reached the compromise in all the issues”.

Tomaszewski, however, was less optimistic. “We are not fully satisfied. I will not make comments on details. We will see how the Minister will sign the directive (concerning the exam – PL DELFI). If the directory does not reflect our expectations, then our decisions will be more dynamic” – said Waldemar Tomaszewski to PL DELFI.

The directory is to be signed today or tomorrow.

Pukszto: It smacks slightly of brawling

Tomaszewski’s declaration has surprised a little bit Andrzej Pukszto who holds the chair of the Department of Political Science at the Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. “It is very difficult to assess it explicitly. It smacks slightly of brawling and of certain haste because the government is only taking its first steps” – said Pukszto to PL DELFI.

According to the political scientist, Tomaszewski’s statement looks all the more strange in the light of the last week’s visits paid by Linas Linkevičius and today’s visit of the Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius in Poland. On Saturday, the President of the Republic of Poland, Bronisław Komorowski, visits Lithuania.

Pukszto claims that Waldemar Tomaszewski plays too risky game and in this way he wants to “gain the highest dividends”.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/aktualia/litwa/tomaszewski-nasze-decyzje-moga-byc-bardziej-dynamiczne.d?id=60648097

Tłumaczenie Barbara Rożek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Barbara Rożek the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 


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