• February 18, 2013
  • 470

The act of vandalism against the Polish school in Vilnius. The police is asking for help


At night from Saturday to Sunday there was the act of vandalism against the branch of the comprehensive school named Joachim Lelewel in Vilnius. On the walls unknown criminals painted  Gedymin pile, wrote “Poland for Poles, Lithuania for Lithuanians” (“Polska dla Polaków, Litwa dla Litwniów”), “Lenakai duxi”, the school was all in paint and all in eggs.

„On Sunday morning the guardian said that on the walls appeared some writings so we think that this accident took place at night from 16 to 17 February” – said Swetłana Nowelska, assistant director of school to PL DELFI.

She said that the school did not receive any threats.

“In our opinion that was the consequence of the Independence Day. Probably some people think that it is an appropriate way to celebrate it” – added Nowelska

Self-government of Vilnius promised to help to catch the criminals.

„We cannot wipe these writings so we have to paint these walls once again. Taking into account that almost all walls are destroyed, the cost will be an enormous. Self-government of Vilnius promised to help us. Unfortunately, I cannot say if that information is true because it is a director who talked with the self-government, and now she is ill” – informed Nowelska.

We have to emphasize that the first and the third segment belong to the Polish school while the second belongs to the Lithuanian teenagers from “Gija” school. The walls of the second segment are clear, there are no writings, on purpose or by accident…

The police is asking for help

The police was informed after the night of February 16.

“We conducted an investigation. Unfortunately, we do not have any suspects. The effeteness is relatively big, the whole wall must be renovated. We ask the society for help. Maybe someone saw who made it, who vandalized the building” – said Gintaras Barzdukas, governor of the first police station in Vilnius.

Everybody who knows something about the accident is asked to call the police at 112.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/aktualia/litwa/akt-wandalizmu-wobec-polskiej-szkoly-w-wilnie.d?id=60700387#ixzz2LNyKbZ1F

Tłumaczenie Diana Omiljaniuk w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Diana Omiljaniuk the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 


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