- February 15, 2013
- 428
Komorowski: Now is the time that we can think about the improvement in Polish-Lithuanian relations

The President of Poland Bronisław Komorowski is going to visit Lithuania to take part in the celebration of Lithuanian State Reestablishment Day. The President claims that now is the time that we can think about the improvement in Polish-Lithuanian relations.
„We are after the elections in which Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (EAPL) won seats, went into coalition and have their representatives in a government. All that create a new situation. I hope that the situation which will foster the cooperation between countries and societies, which will give the Polish minority better opportunity to fight for their own interest in the Lithuanian State Policy” – told Bronisław Komorowski for an interview to Polish Radio – “So that I’m going with a hope that now is the time that we can think about the improvement in Polish-Lithuanian relations”.
The President said that all problems should be solved calmly. “You have to keep calm, without shouting, without putting pressure on anybody. In this way we would show how all problems may be solved and, at the same time, show the Polish solution to national minorities, to Lithuanians, Belarusians, Germans, Ukrainians” – said the President.
Komorowski appreciated the apology from the head of Lithuanian diplomacy. “I would suggest to appreciate that gesture of Lithuanian Minister of Foreign Affairs here, in Poland. People in Lithuania can react in a different way, it is all connected with politician condition. I don’t scrutinize it” –added the President.
Komorowski added that all problems should be solved at one time. “Once, when I was a Marshal in Polish Seym, I had very interesting talk with a former Social Democrat Premier of Lithuania – Mr. Kirkilas. He said that it would be very good to have “special packet” in Polish-Lithuanian policy in which there would be all matters connected with economy, policy, Polish minority in Lithuania, Lithuanian minority in Poland. (…) If we manage to negotiate such a packet, we would be able to solve these problems at one time, in parallel” – explained Komorowski.
Tłumaczenie Diana Omiljaniuk w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Diana Omiljaniuk the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.