- February 15, 2013
- 414
Bobryk: Tomaszewski recalculated the situation

Visits Linkevicius and Butkevičius is an important symbolic step toward dialogue. After several years of “ice age” occurred warming. However, it does not make it a breakthrough”- the reflection was shared with portal EN DELFI by Dr. Adam Bobryk, a lecturer at the University of Natural and Humanities (UPH) in Siedlce.
“Visits brought predictable, rational results. Even though a bit more. Foreign Minister apologized Linkevicius for failing in 2010, the Act on spelling Polish names that went beyond the standard type of contacts. At the same time aroused much higher hopes for a solution to this problem “- adds a sociologist, a specialist in the Polish-Lithuanian relations.
The losses in the Lithuanian electorate
EN DELFI asked dr. Bobryk to evaluate policy towards Lithuanian Social Democracy of the Polish minority. What can we expect from the ruling elite LSDP? Siedlecki responds, “probably the concessions in the character of technical, time, not having a radical nature, but improving a little image of Lithuania in Poland. To solve the problems that had accumulated over twenty years, requires a lot of courage. The government probably has a good will in this regard. But certainly the calculation shows how much damages could be made by the Lithuanian electorate. “
Invitation to the coalition Electoral Action of Poles is a signal that the Social Democrats plan to address at least some of the problems faced by minorities. “For now, an open question is how much, what and when. If I could prompt the authorities of Lithuania – says Dr. Bobryk – if he wants to meet the needs of its citizens of Polish, Russian, Belarusian, and others, the coming months are the best time for doing so. The coalition has a big credit of trust from the society. The right-wing opposition made up of conservatives and liberals do not have a good position after the defeat of the campaign. And next year is another election and if such decisions may inflame emotions “- specifies a sociologist at UPH.
SLD is open for cooperation
When asked about the role, if SLD can play a role in resolving Polish-Lithuanian disputes, the Left Alliance councilor in Siedlce indicates the PO-PSL coalition: “The basic tools for solving problems has the ruling group. SLD certainly has the opportunity to contribute to improving the climate of mutual relations. Being in power he has repeatedly demonstrated good will to arrange Polish-Lithuanian relations. It is certainly one of the groups most open to collaboration “- provides policies of Siedlce left.
Tomaszewskiego poker movement
UK DELFI Bobryk asked about Waldemar Tomaszewski statement about the possibility of breaking the coalition, “Tomaszewski is an experienced politician and recalculated the situation. Surely it is too early to sharp putting the output of the coalition. Emotions are graded. Punching the table is the last resort. There must always be sufficient time for negotiations, implementation demands, and use of the opportunities to influence policy “- specifies a lecturer and politician.
“This is a poker movement. Risky, but with a character which is not equivalent , there is a lot of the wins or loses. Tomaszewski never chooses easy solutions. The current position of the party is its unquestionable merit. It seems to me that you could find a better time for such a radical movement “- that assesses the final steps leading lecturer EAPL UPH.
Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/opinie/opinie/bobryk-tomaszewski-przekalkulowal-sytuacje.d?id=60680417
Tłumaczenie Katarzyna Dąbrowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Katarzyna Dąbrowska the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.