• February 12, 2013
  • 359

The success of ‘A heart for a heart’ action

fot. salcininkai.lt

The action ‘A heart for a heart’ came to an end. 97 thousand litas have been collected in the account of 12-year-old Czesia Czernuszewicz from Nowy Dwór near Dainava. The girl needs a heart transplant immediately. Owing to the kindliness of the citizens of the Šalčininkai district and many people of good will, Czesia has win the chance to the operation in France.

Heart transplants are made in Lithuania but the patients have to wait for a very long time for an  appropriate donor. In France the chance is much more higher. The total cost of the operation is over 115 thousand euros. 80 per cent of this sum will be covered by the French National Health Fund; the patient has to pay the remaining cost – over 80 thousand litas.

Thanks to ‘A heart for a heart’ action and the money collected, the girl’s parents will be able to pay for the operation abroad which is necessary for their daughter’s life. Here’s their gratitude:

‘Thank you very much to all of you who joined in the money collection for our 12-year-old daughter Czesia who needs a heart transplant immediately. Each element of goodwill and every litas is valuable, even priceless, just like a child’s health. We are happy that we managed to collect sufficient amount of money in such a short time. It would be impossible without you. We are also grateful to Šalčininkai district municipality – initiator of ‘A heart for a heart’ action, to Radio ‘Znad Willi’ and the whole Vilnius Region – all the people who did not leave us in poverty and shared what they have with us. We are very much obliged to you for being of help to us and we send you greetings from Czesia who is in France now.

We want to assure you that the money collected will be used fully as planned originally – for a heart transplant. Whatever we did and whatever we will achieve – it is owing to you, wonderful, kind and full of sacrifice people capable of understanding for someone else’s poverty, of compassion and help. Thank you!

Grateful parents: Czesława and Henryk Czernuszewicz’.

Based on: salcininkai.lt

Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/sukces-akcji-quotserce-dla-sercaquot

Tłumaczenie Barbara Rożek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Barbara Rożek the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 


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