• February 1, 2013
  • 395

The head of “Young Lithuania” wants to help Šalčininkai district municipality remove all Polish street signs without charge

© J.Barščevičiūtė

Stanislovas Buškevičius, the deputy mayor of Kovno, offered to the local government in Šalčininkai district municipality to remove all Polish street signs without charge. The head of the nationalist party “Young Lithuania” (”Jaunoji Lietuva”) said that the party activists can help regional civil servants in Šalčininkai.

“We can infer from press information that the local government in Šalčininkai has no money in the budget allotted to this project. We understand the region’s tough financial situation and that is why the members of the “Young Lithuania” offer help, from the bottoms of our hearts and without charge. We will organize self-help and with our own resources we will help remove plates with foreign inscriptions,” Buškevičius stated.

The leader of a right-wing party made an appeal to Zdzislaw Palewicz, the mayor of Šalčininkai district. “We would be very grateful if you considered our offer and informed us about your decision,” statement says.

On Monday, the District Administrative Court in Vilnius ordered that the administration of the Šalčininkai district municipality should remove all Polish street signs within a month. The verdict is not legally valid and mayor Zdzislaw Palewicz announced that he would appeal against the decision to the supreme court.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/aktualia/litwa/szef-mlodej-litwy-chce-nieodplatnie-pomoc-rejonowi-solecznickiemu-w-usunieciu-dwujezycznych-tablic.d?id=60566151

Tłumaczenie Patrycja Olszówka w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Patrycja Olszówka the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 


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