- November 28, 2012
- 561
The 35th anniversary of Świtezianka

“Świtezianka” Folk Group of Song and Dance, which originated at Szymon Konarski Secondary School in Vilnius, is celebrating its 35th anniversary. A special concert marking the anniversary will be given today, on 28th November 2012 at 6pm in Ūkio Banko “Teatro Arena” on 3 Olimpiečių Street.
“In the newest show, whose originator and
director is Beata Kowalewska, we will look at a piece of Vilnius Region with its rich but sad history,” says Walery Jagliński, the deputy head teacher of Szymon Konarski Secondary School. “The show will start with an invitation to a laughing Vilnius during ‘Kaziukas Fair’ in the interwar period. This multicoloured and tranquil world will be destroyed by the storm of war, which in turn will lead to desolation of our land. Those who were banished from their homeland will look upon us as though from an old photograph. But you will also see that the Polish language has resonated and will be resonating still in Vilnius.”
The folk song and dance have always played a crucial role in shaping the national consciousness. This is why 35 years ago “Świtezianka” folk group was established in the building of Szymon Konarski Secondary School.
Władysław Korkuć and Krystyna Bogdanowicz, who remained a choreographer to this day, became the first directors of the group. From the very beginning the aim of the group’s managers was to popularise Polish national and folk culture. During the first years of its activity the group was giving concerts in small and medium towns in Vilnius Region. After the rebirth of Lithuania the geographical scope of concert venues was increased by Poland, Latvia, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia and Norway.
During 35 years of its activity “Świtezianka” gave over 600 concerts. It often represented Lithuania at international folklore festivals and artistic events, such as “Dni Wilna” (Days of Vilnius) in Gdańsk and Szczytno. For several years the group’s dancing couples have been taking part in Polish national dance competitions with considerable success.
The group currently consists of students of classes 1-11. Magnificent costumes worn by “Świtezianka” during concerts are worthy of note. Apart from traditional costumes from various regions of Poland, the group also obtained original Lithuanian folk garments as a gift from President Algirdas Brazauskas.
The current director of the dance section of the group, Teresa Andruszkiewicz (a former member of “Świtezianka”), and its choreographer, Jurgita Jurgaitienė, interspersed the repertoire: apart from nationwide Polish folklore they added Lithuanian and Vilnius accents. The choir, directed by Anna Michajłowska, is accompanied by a musical ensemble established by Krzysztof Stankiewicz.
Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/kultura/kultura/jubileusz-35-lecia-switezianki.d?id=60101589
Tłumaczenie Aleksandra Christ w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Aleksandra Christ the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.