

Wołkonowski: It is not a ranking, it is a hustle

“Reitingai” magazine has published the ranking of the best universities in Lithuania. Of all, the Faculty of Informatics of the Vilnius Branch of the University of Białystok took 9th place,
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Polish schools in the ranking of the best schools in Lithuania

“Reitingai” magazine announced the ranking of the best schools and junior high schools in Lithuania in 2014. For the first time, the authors of the ranking chose the schools which
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Students from Mościszki received new e-book readers

Students from Mościszki received new e-book readers. 23 new e-book readers were donated to the Primary School in Mościszki today. It is a gift from the Embassy of the Republic
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The pupils from Baltoji Vokė the best in the ‘Citizen of Lithuania’ contest

Can Polish school educate good, aware, and responsible citizens of Lithuania? Apparently yes, as the pupils from E. Orzeszkowa High School in Baltoji Vokė  won the ‘Citizen of Lithuania’ contest
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Józef Obremski Secondary School was inaugurated: let Mejszogoła rejoice

“Let Mejszogoła rejoice when we will step into adulthood” – as the students of Józef Obremski Secondary School were singing during the ceremony which was preceded by a Holy Mass
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The new school year in Polish schools in Lithuania

The first bell rang today for about 12,000 students of Polish schools in Vilnius, the regions of Vilnius, Salcininkai, Trakai and Švenčionys. Among them is about a thousand first graders.
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The number of Polish students in Vilnius still remains stable

This year 426 children will start to learn in the 1st grade in Polish schools in Vilnius An amazingly big number of pupils is going to enter the schools of
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Support from Poland for schools in the region of Šalčininkai

Two schools in the region of Šalčininkai were given teaching materials and cleaning preparations, worthy 5,000 PLN: the primary school in Podborze and the special school in Šalčininkai. It is
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eLearning course for Polish teachers

Teacher Training Center of the Association “Polish Community” invites teachers from Lithuania, Ukraine, Hungary and Germany to take part in eLearning course “Contemporary technologies in Polish Education”. eLearning course is
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More freshmen in Polish schools in Lithuania

It is predicted that in this school year 28 thousand of freshmen will start learning in all schools in Lithuania – a thousand more than last year. In the previous
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