Kurier Wileński

Roaming around the streets of Vilnius: Rotund – a very interesting and inspiring character

His real name was Augustyn Mielecki, Mieleski. Because of his appearance (from the Latin rotundus – round) he was dubbed Rotund. Throughout the course of history he is known as
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Home Army commemorated in Vilnius

A plaque to honor the Home Army of the Vilnius County “Wiano” and the Novogrodek County was presented on Sunday the 28th September in the House of Polish Culture in
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Propose your candidats to the “Polish Man of the Year 2014” title

13 439 — this is the total number of the votes for the last year winner of the “Polish Man of the year” award – Maria Rekść, the mayor of
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Walking through the Vilnius streets: Where are Strumillo’s orchards?

Juozapo Strumilos’ or Joseph Strumillo’s street – this is the real name of the deserved to Vilnius botanist, fruit farmer, gardener, lawyer, social activist. The street is located on the
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Walking through the Vilnius streets : Narbutt wrote in Polish language about Lithuania

He was an unusual historian and unusual is the street bearing his name: Teodoro Narbuto g. (Theodore Narbutt). There are no buildings next to it. It combines two roundabouts –
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At the Vilnius branch of University in Bialystok –postgraduate studies!

This is good news for students who want to gain the academic degree of Master of Economics. In Vilnius branch of University in Bialystok has been started postgraduate studies in
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A treacherous stab in the back: 75 years ago the Soviet army invaded Poland

September 17, 1939- breaking the Polish-Soviet non-aggression pact  the Red Army entered the territory of the Republic of Poland. The Soviet invasion of Poland was the implementation of the agreement
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Lithuania is still allergic to non-Lithuanian letters

Lithuanian Ministry of Eduction and Science is calling not to accept the amendments to the Civil Code which would make it possible to use non-Lithuanian letters or words characteristics of
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Dalia Grybauskaitė spoke in Polish in Šalčininkai

Facing the threat from Russia, Lithuania and Poland should demonstrate unity, other problems do not exist right now – that is the essence of the speech delivered by Dalia  Grybauskaite
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The Tyszkiewicz’s Palace in Waka Trakai calls for the renovation

In fact only a few residents of the Vilnius know about the historic and beautiful Tyszkiewicz’s palace in Waka Trakai near Vilnius. The mansion, owned by the famous family in
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