- July 30, 2014
- 536
Hundreds of scholarships for Polish students from Lithuania

Are you Polish? Are you studying in Lithuania or Poland? This is enough to apply for one of two types of scholarships, which are granted by the Foundation Vilnius together with the partners. Call for proposals continues.
„Zasadniczym celem działania fundacji jest wspieranie młodzieży polskiego pochodzenia, która mieszka w krajach byłego ZSRR albo studiuje w Polsce. Staramy się nie tylko udzielać pomocy materialnej i niematerialnej takim młodym ludziom, ale również wspierać organizacje polonijne, które prowadzą działalność naukową, oświatową czy kulturalną. Ale przede wszystkim pracujemy na rzecz tworzenia przyjaznego klimatu dla Polski i pogłębienia więzi pomiędzy środowiskami polskimi i narodami w krajach, w których mieszkają Polacy” – mówi Barbara Kasperska z Fundacji Wileńszczyzna.
“The main objective of the Foundation is to support the young people of Polish origin who live in the countries of the former Soviet Union or study in Poland. We try not only to provide financial help and non-financial to such young people, but also to support the Polish organizations that conduct research, educational or cultural activities. But above all, we work to create a friendly climate for Polish and to deepen ties between the Polish communities and nations in the countries in which live Poles “- says Barbara Kasperska from Foundation Vilnius.
For people studying in Poland or at University of Bialystok
The first type of scholarships awarded by the Foundation Vilnius and the Polish National Bank, is designed for students of Polish origin, who came to the Polish for economic studies from the former Soviet Union, as well as for students of the Vilnius branch of the University of Bialystok.
Within 5 years 400 scholarships were already awarded for the Poles from the former Soviet Union. Thanks to the funding they could not only finish their studies, but also take part in dozens of conferences, training courses and practice of economic nature.
The amount of a scholarship ranges from 400 zl to 1600 zl per month. The next call for proposals will start in September 2014. More about the program: stypendium.org
For people studying in Lithuania
A second scholarship program Vilnius Foundation implements together with Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It is the Polish financial help to students in Lithuania. In 2014, over 100 scholarships will be awarded of amount up to 800 litas per year.
Beneficiaries of the scholarship can make use of conferences, training courses and practices, which in the future will help the Poles in Lithuania to find a job.
Applications may be submitted today. More about the program: stypendium.eu
Vilnius Foundation is a non-governmental organization led by people, who are for years engaged in activities for the joining of Poland and Lithuania – Polish graduate of schools in the Vilnius region, who are now students and graduates of Polish universities. The Foundation was established on February 6, 2007, and its founders were Piotr Jankowski and Miroslaw Ciunowicz.
Translated by Patrycja Pawłowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.