• July 27, 2014
  • 531

No lack of “hundreds” in the region of Vilnius

School diploma have already been handed out to the students of the last year of high school. Proms  already were finished. Now, graduates, looking at collected points during the examination session, wonder if they get in at dream universities.

“The results of final examinations are satisfactory, someone came out weaker, someone came out better. But most importantly, students already got over with high school certificate exam and most had already received a high school diploma. Very good results – all have passed – are from the final examinations in physics, geography, foreign languages ​​(English, German, Russian). The results of the examinations in physics, biology and history are better than the national average “- said Lilia Andruszkiewicz, the head of the department of education of the local Vilnius self-government.

In the region of Vilnius this year 574 students from schools under local government wrote the Matura exam. During this year’s session of the examination 98.6 percent of Vilnius region high school graduates have successfully passed the state exam in biology, 96.6 percent  passed the exam in chemistry, 93.2 percent passed the exam in history.

The best results, when it comes to getting the maximum scores from exams (100 points),the students of the high school “Ryto” from Rudomino can be proud – they got 3 “hundreds” in the Russian language. The two highest scores (in math and English) got high school graduates from high school in Pogiry.  One “hundred” (in Russian) got Secondary School in Awiżenie,. S. Moniuszko Secondary School and  “Aušros” in Kowalczuki, J. Obrembskiego Secondary School in Mejszagola, K. Parczewski  Secondary School in Niemenczyn, R. Kalinowski Secondary School in Niemież and High School in Rukojnie.

The Most Popular- Russian exam
“This year, 100 points in the various tests, namely mathematics, English and Russian, got 12 students. Most  students “100” received in Russian. Not surprisingly, the language is often heard and used, besides in Lithuanian schools also quite a few Russians learn. And really, you have to just be happy that the exam was successfully  passed”- noted Andruszkiewicz. It should also be noted that examination of the language of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky among this year’s graduates from Vilnius region was the most popular – 358 graduates took the test. “Hundreds” in Russian language received as many as 10 students.

“We are pleased that this year we have a” hundred “in Russian language. We almost got the second- did not hide his satisfaction he director of High School in Rukojnie, Oleg Nikończyk. However, this year’s high school certificate, compared with last year, the director evaluates little worse.

“All of our students have passed history, chemistry and English, but the examination of the Lithuanian language was worse – two people had to retake it. Last year we did not have a make-up session and everyone passed the exam in Lithuanian language. This year, some have failed, “- said Nikończyk. This year, the school had 26 graduates in Rukojnie.

„Egzamin z języka litewskiego budzi największe kontrowersje. Około 18 proc. uczniów rejonu go nie zdało (w kraju około 12 proc.). O przyczynach takiego wyniku mówimy od lat: nierówne szanse uczniów ze szkół nielitewskich z powodu zróżnicowanych programów, ilości godzin lekcyjnych, nie wzięcia pod uwagę, że dla nie Litwinów jest to tylko język nabyty (wyuczony), nareszcie sama forma egzaminu – wypracowanie, z którą mają trudności również uczniowie szkół litewskich” – mówiła kierownik wydziału oświaty samorządu rejonu wileńskiego. Państwowy egzamin z języka litewskiego wybrało 325 maturzystów z rejonu wileńskiego.

The results of standardized exam in the Lithuanian language awaited this year with the greatest anxiety.

“Examination of the Lithuanian language causes the major controversies. Approximately 18 per cent. students from area have failed it miserably (in a country about 12 percent). About the reasons of this result, we’re talking years: unequal opportunities of students from non-Lithuanian schools because of the different programs, the number of hours of classes, not taking into account that for the Lithuanians the language is only of the exam acquired (learned), the form itself – essay, in which students of Lithuanian schools also have difficulty “- said the head of education department of local government of Vilnius region. State examination in the Lithuanian language has chosen 325 graduates from the region of Vilnius.

The controversial test in Lithuanian

In terms of the number of high school graduates who took state language exam Lithuanian, John Paul II Secondary School in Vilnius stood out. “In our school examination in the Lithuanian language as the state language chosen 95 percent of students, while the national average was 55-60 percent. “- said Adam Błaszkiewicz, director of John Paul II Secondary School in Vilnius.

As he pointed out , an examination of the state language is poorly evaluated not only by the Polish schools, but also by the Lithuanian. Not only by the students, but also by the directors, and teachers. The results of examinations of students, with the annual Lithuanian language grade 4 and 5, are comparable to the results of the students, having grade  9 and 10. Błaszkiewicz stressed that this is not the case at any other exam, because when someone got 4 or 5, then they don’t have to take the exam.

“This suggests that the exam is poorly constructed. I have been saying for long that this change of the exams, their instability, not only in schools of national minorities, but in general, leads to the fact that the best students go abroad. And who loses in this situation? “- asked the headmaster.

Świadczy to o tym, że jest to mocna promocja. Jak już powiedziałem, egzamin państwowy z litewskiego wybrało 95 proc. maturzystów, a to znaczy, że to promocja mająca ambicje. Bardzo dobrze im życzę, żeby dostali się na studia” – powiedział dyrektor gimnazjum.

From the 108 last year  high school graduates 25 decided to study abroad “This year, from the 118 graduates will leave a lot more,” – said Błaszkiewicz. Comparing the results of last year’s and this year’s promotion the headmaster  indicated that they are similar. “Last year, according to the ranking we were at 30th place in Lithuania. This year’s results are not bad, but as the headmaster I am not very satisfied, because we have only a few of the highest ratings. We have “hundreds” in English, computer science and Russian “- said Błaszkiewicz about this year’s 18 6h promotion of secondary school students.” It’s a good promotion because many students who sat the 3 – 4 state exams, received an average of 75-86 points. It proves that it is a strong promotion. As I said before , the state examination in the Lithuanian has chosen 95 percent of graduates, and this means that this promotion has ambitions. I wish them very well and I hope they will get into university “- said the headmaster of the secondary school.

Only one top student in the country
According to the Ministry of Education and Science, this year in Lithuania only one high school graduate – Mantas Pajarskas from Vilnius Lyceum – the maximum score (100 points) scored all the way from 5 examinations. “Hundreds” from 4 exams during this year’s state examination received 6 students. 3 “hundreds” received 48 graduates, 2 – 172 graduates and 1 – 802

Last year there were even four top students in the country among them also a graduate of the F. Ruszczyc Secondary School in Rudomino – Mariusz Wojtkun.

Among the best of this year’s high school graduates, who were congratulated by the Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius and Minister for Education and Science Dainius Pavalkis, there were no students from Polish schools.

Podziękowano też 10 stołecznym szkołom za dobre przygotowanie uczniów do egzaminów maturalnych. Wśród wyróżnionych – również dwie polskie szkoły: Szkoła Średnia im. Wł. Syrokomli (najwyższe oceny zdobyło 7 uczniów) oraz Gimnazjum im. A. Mickiewicza („setki” uzyskało 6 maturzystów). Najwięcej „setek” – 67 – otrzymali absolwenci Wileńskiego Liceum.

The best Vilnius students, who got the two highest scores, and more, were also congratulated by the mayor of Vilnius Arturas Zuokas. He gave congratulatory diplomas to 84 people. Ten capital schools were also congratulated on good  preparation of  students for final examinations. Among the distinguished were two Polish schools: Wl. Syrokomla High School (the highest rating got 7 students) and A. Mickiewicz Secondary School (“hundreds” received 6 graduates). Most “hundreds” – 67 – received the graduates of Vilnius High School.

“We all complain that schools produce more and more inferior product. But in fact, our young people are good, and I think that our young people from Rukojnie will achieve in life what they want. Each promotion leaves some trace in the heart. I wish my students a happy and successful road “- wished the graduates success in adulthood Oleg Nikończyk.

Translated by Patrycja Pawłowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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