- July 27, 2014
- 492
An exhibition of photography amateurs from Nemenčinė

100 pictures of 12 authors from the Association of Photographers of the Museum of Entography of the Vilnius Region in Nemenčinė, graphic works of Katarzyna Żemojcin and Eugeniusz Federowicz can be seen at the exhibition, which opening ceremony took place in the Centre for Polish Culture in Vilnius.
During the opening ceremony Marian Dźwinel, the chairman of the Association, emphasised that this is the sixth collective exhibition of the amateurs of immortalising nature, people and events using camera lens, but nearly all of the works are displayed for the first time, so it is in a way a vernissage.
While answering the question of “Tygodnik” as to why was the exhibition named “PHOTOdialogues” Dźwignel said: “The author while photographing an object, makes contact with it and supposedly conducts a dialogue. Also the viewers have an opportunity to assess the abilities and professionalism of both the author and his works. They can also initiate a polemic and discussion, and this is our aim”
The photographs were made using different techniques, and their topics are also very diverse. In order to bring closer the personality of the authors and the profile of their works, a short biographical note has been placed next to each photograph.
Famous photographers such as Marian Paluszkiewicz and Jerzy Karpowicz, other adepts of photography, and also members of the Creative Association of Polish Painters in Lithuania “Elipsa” viewed the exhibition with great interest. As people knowledgeable in this field, they shared their observations and comments concerning the composition of the photographs, colour scheme, background, using of space etc. The authors of the works attentively listened to their comments, and they were especially valuable for the young amateurs of photography who are making their first steps in artistic photography. It has to be mentioned that overall the interest in the exhibition was substantial, which was shown by the presence of nearly all of the Polish media and several dozen viewers.
Władysław Ławrynowicz, the chairman of „Elipsa” spoke highly of the graphic works of Eugeniusz Fedorowicz and Katarzyna Żemojcin, offering them to join the Association of Painters.
The exhibition of photographs – just before its opening – was viewed by the MEP Waldemar Tomaszewski.
The Association of Photographers, associating photography lovers not only from Nemenčinė, but also its environs, has been functioning for two years now. During this period it has organised several exhibitions both in its home town and in a couple of towns in Poland. Encouraged by the positive reactions, they decided to present themselves to a broader audience, also in Vilnius.
As Marian Dźwinel infromed, the Association of Photographers is attempting to organise a one-day open air photography exhibition in Vilnius, and it will invite its youngest members to participate and is planning to organise photography workshops in Bezdonys, because three of its members are from this town.
The exhibition in the hall of the Centre for Polish Culture in Vilnius can be viewed until 6th August 2014. Admission is free of charge.
Translated by Alicja Dudzik within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.