• July 24, 2014
  • 578

The educational institutions of the Vilnius region are being repaired

Students of many educational institutions Vilnius region will welcome the new school year in newly renovated schools. Many reasons to be happy have also parents from Suderwa, where a month ago, a construction of a new kindergarten started.

The students of Urszula Ledóchowska high school in Czarny Bór will welcome the new school year in a renovated building. Renovation of a three-storey school building is supposed to be completed before 1st September. The construction of a new cafeteria is already coming tothe end.In contrast,for a new sports hall, students will still have to wait-the construction works will last until the beginning of 2015. The total value of the work- more than 4.3 million litas.

Biofuel boiler house in Ciechanowiszki
Repair works are also carried out in Ferdynand Ruszczyc secondary school in Rudomin. Repair is to be finished by 15th November this year.The reconstruction of internal school premises is also planned, but for now there is an auction fora contractor of the work. The value of the project amounts to over 1.4 million litas.

High School in Jałowka got the new furniture and equipment. It is also planned to establish a  pitch, a fence around the school and the construction of extensions.

Changes are also anticipated at the Gymnasiumin Pogiry, which organizes teaching in English, Lithuanian, Polish and Russian. There will be also made ​​renovations in internal premises, on which this year 0.5 million litas was allocated.

In the middle school in Ciechanowiszki in the near future the biofuel boiler (project value about 350 thousand. Lt) will be established. The school was previously heated with coal-fired furnaces. After installing of the biofuel boiler facility will save money on heating costs and environmental pollution will be minimized.

The renovations in the school building in Awiżenie are already finished. The windows were replaced, exterior wall sroof and floor on the first floor were insulated. The renewed gym will inspire boys and girls from high school in Awiżenie, which has along tradition in the volleyball, to even greater victories. The value of the finished project amounts to approximately 4 million litas, half the cost of construction has been covered by local government of the area of Vilnius.

The new kindergarten in Suderwie
A lot of reasons to be happy have especially the parents from Suderwie. Atthe end of Junestarted theconstruction of a newkindergarten. The value of the project is estimated at 5.1 million litas. The construction work, of which the contractor is “Muras”, is planned to be completed over a periodof 2 years.More than 50 kids will be able to attend the new nursery.

Currently, the modernization of the kindergarten is taking place in Rukojnie. The roof is being replaced, the building walls are insulated and renovated, geothermal heating is being installed, electrical work are being performed, the water supply system and sewerage are being set up, ventilation system is being established. Necessary work are supposed to be completed by the beginning of September, and the final work-by October this year. For completion of the project 800 thousand litas were allocated.

This year the renovation of school-kindergarten in Miedniki also started. The roof is being replaced, geothermal heating is being installed, walls are being renovated.The cost of the project amounts to 600 thousand litas.
Similar renovations are also held in a kindergarten in Mościszki. The project costs about 1 million litas.

Translated by Patrycja Pawłowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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