• July 16, 2014
  • 545

„At least one day of their holidays was special”. Tour with Filantropia Plus

Charitable organization Filantropia Plus together with the Department of Children’s Rights Protection from the local government in Vilnius treated their wards with the unforgettable beginning of holidays. Fifty kids from communes of Podbrzezie, Rzeszów and Suderwa together with their guardians went to Vilnius to see a special performance.

Children were invited to the Baltic Circus Show.  Audience’s attention was attracted by performances of clowns, acrobats, equilibrists and trained animals.

„During the performance I couldn’t stop watching children’s reaction, it was really touching. Their faces were full of admiration, delight, and in case of acrobats under the roof – fear but breaks were filled with jokes and tricks of funny clowns – faces of our children were full of joy and that changed only into spontaneous, loud laughs full of delight and admiration. After all, everyone was positively impressed with the show”, said Beata Czapińska from the Filantropia Plus.

After the performance, children headed toward McDonalds where they obtained educational books and balloons together with their meals, and later on they burned the calories on the playground.

„Children didn’t want this day to end, they were amused, rident, full of positive emotions and feelings. And this is what it was about. We wanted at least one day during their holidays to be special and unforgettable”, said Beata Czaplińska.

For goodbye, every child received beautiful angel made of porcelain funded by provost Eduardasa Kirstukasa with wishes to be their new talisman, a little „guardian angel” that listens to their wishes and fulfills their dreams. Because from little dreams are born ambitious goals and beautiful dreams that create our lives.

„We heartily thank our presenters and priests as thanks to them we were able to organize this celebration for children who need positive memories. We would also like to thank local government in Vilnius for borrowing the bus and social workers that were able to sacrifice their daytime for the sake of their wards. We are grateful to children for this cheerful day that we have spent together”, summed up B.Czaplińska.

Foundation Filantropia Plus is calling everyone for looking around yourself – maybe in the close vicinity there is lonely, miserable, needy or even hungry children. „We ask you to report those cases as we will take care of every children and we will try to help them”, ensures Beata Czaplińska.

Contacts and more information about activity of the foundation are available on the website: www.filantropia.lt

Translated by Ewa Żakowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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