• July 15, 2014
  • 560

Niewierowicz: I have President’s support

„Our party wants Cytacka and Niewierowicz to stay in their posts” – informed today Rita Tamašunienė from AWPL. Jarosław Niewierowicz said that despite of Prime Minister’s ultimatum he is going to stay in post and has support of the President Dalia Grybauskaitė.

“This morning I received a phone call from the President. After the conversation I feel I am not necessarily going to resign” – said Niewierowicz and added that the President has encouraged him to continue his work in the department.

Niewierowicz did not say if he talked with the President about the possible resignation of Renata Cytacka. As he emphasized there is no decision about the Deputy Minister.

“I was informed that Tomaszewski met the Prime Minister, some proposals were presented, but there is no final decision” – said Niewierowicz.

He added that Renata Cytacka is not going to resign, but he has no knowledge of the motives.

The Seimas member from AWPL Rita Tamašunienė explained to journalists that the party wants to keep both the Energy Minister and the Deputy Minister in their posts.

“The Political Council’s decision state that all Deputy Ministers should resign, but those who have not committed a breach, should be reappointed to their posts” – said Tamašunienė. She added that Cytacka is the only one Deputy Minister who beforehand was not going to be reappointed, although she did not commit an offence concerning carrying out the official duties.

The Prime Minister Algirdas Butkevičius expressed hope that Minister Niewierowicz will dismiss Cytacka. Earlier a social democrat Sysas handed over the ultimatum of the Prime Minister – if Cytacka does not resign, the Prime Minister will not propose Niewierowicz as the Energy Minister.

Translated by Maciej Jóźwiak within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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