• July 14, 2014
  • 695

Tygodnik Wileńszczyzny is 20 years old

Two decades ago, on July 14, 2014, the first issue of a new magazine Przyjaźń (Friendship) was published. Over the years, the magazine, initially published in Polish, Lithuanian, and Russian, has gained more pages, widened its subject matter, and been published in more and more places. In 2002, it was re-titled Tygodnik Wileńszczyzny (The Vilnius Region Weekly).

Every anniversary is an opportunity to think of passing time… Almost a year ago, the thousandth issue of the magazine was published. In two decades of its existence, Tygodnik Wileńszczyzny has changed a lot as a witness and chronicle of the reborn Lithuania; however, it has kept on reporting news from the Vilnius Region, noting on the most important issues concerning Poles who had been living in Lithuania for ages, promoting spiritual values, and our culture and traditions, while remaining loyal to its Readers. 

“We would like to give you some of our joy of being published for so long. We hope that our paper form will still prove appealing to you, and that you will still find interesting content and truthful relation of the reality around you in our magazine. We assure you that we want nothing but to provide reliable information on things great and small, on accomplishements and joys of people of the Vilnius Region, who we have cared–and will care–about the most,” writes the editorial staff in the anniversary article. 

“By defending the interests of the native residents of the Vilnius Region, we have proved several times that we are not afraid of difficult subjects. Sometimes we’re the only institution able to care about harmed and defenceless people. Every week, we have brought sometimes better and sometimes unfortunately worse news from the village nearby, region, country, Poland, and all over the world. Thank you for your loyalty and trust. Let us stay together for as long as words in Polish will be heard at schools, Church, and your houses,” writes the staff of Tygodnik Wileńszczyzny. 

Over the 20 years, many people have contributed to the magazine’s accomplishments: publishers, writers, journalists, photographers, editors, and IT specialists. The staff would like to thank everyone who have worked for Tygodnik Wileńszczyzny: 

Krystyna Adamowicz

Iwona Adamowicz

Małgorzata Aleksandrowicz

Mirosław Aleksandrowicz (R.I.P.)

Tadeusz Andrzejewski

Regina Caturian

Paulina Chalpina

Kristina Cibulskytė

Danuta Danowska

Lucyna Dowdo-Schiller

Leokadia Drozd

Marian Dźwinel

Anna Fedorowicz

Tadeusz Fedorowicz

Krystyna Gierasimowicz

Feliks Gołodowicz

Jan Górski

Marian Grydziuszko

Lusia Ingiliartienė

Maria Jakubowska

Mirosława Jarmołowicz

Łarisa Jasiulewicz

Halina Jotkiałło

Krystyna Kamińska

Jerzy Karpowicz

Alisa Kiekielija

Irena Kleczkowska

Juliana Klimaszewska

Bronisława Kondratowicz (R.I.P.)

Tatiana Krawczenko

Tatiana Krutko

Dorota Lewko

Jadvyga Lichtaravičienė

Kira Ławryniec

Jadwiga Radkiewicz

Jan Maluszycki

Henryk Mażul

Mirosław Mażul

Bożena Mieczkowska

Zenon Mincewicz

Katarzyna Narwojsz

Rima Narbuntaitė

Bożena Nowoszyńska (R.I.P.)

Konrad Pacyno

Czesława Paczkowska

Marian Paluszkiewicz

Antoni Pawłowicz

Antanas Petrauskas

Greta Pilieckienė

Danuta Piotrowicz

Jadwida Podmostko

Włodzimierz Podmostko

Maria Pucz

Andrzej Pukszto

Antonina Połtawiec

Barbara Rapeczko

Krystyna Ruczyńska

Pertonela Rudis

Józef Rusakiewicz

Alicja Rynkiewicz

Waldemar Rynkiewicz

Elżbieta Sadajska

Agata Sadowska

Ryszard Skórko

Anna Siemionowa

Sławomir Subotowicz

Krystyna Stankiewicz

Paweł Stefanowicz

Agnieszka Streła

Teresa Zubel

Żanna Szabanowicz

Józef Szostakowski

Bożena Tietianiec

Waleria Tomaszun

Monika Urbanowicz

Stanisława Uścinowicz

Bronė Valickienė

Edyta Wałujewicz

Helena Wasilkowa

Weronika Wojciuk

Renata Zielenkiewicz

Anna Żaworonok

Alina Żygiel-Savanevičienė.

L24.lt would like to congratulate Tygodnik Wileńszczyzny on its 20th anniversary and to wish many more anniversaries and loyal readers.

Translated by Michał M. Kowalski within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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