- July 6, 2014
- 637
The exhibition and film to celebrate 70 years of ‘Ostra Brama’ Operation

On 5th June in the afternoon, the exhibition pf photographs and souvernirs of Polish Home Army. It took place in the House of Polish Culture in Vilnius. There was also a performance of the movie: ‘Stanisław Kłak- legenda wileńskiej konspiracji’ chich means Stanisław Kłak- the legent of Vilinius conspiracy’
Exhibition was opened by Jan Andrzejewski- the Chairman of the Coordination and Information Committee to organize the exhibition, who spoke to the audiencje about the story of the formation of the exhibition and the collection of its photos.
‘On the exhibition you can see pictures that are mainy in my possesion. There is no larger archive of photos that mine. Today, tou can see even 21 boards with pictures.’ – said Andrzejewski.
Besides the opportunity to see a large number of images from the period of 1943-1944, guests were invited to the premiere of the film ‘Stanislaw Kiałka – the legend of Vilnius conspiracy’. All pictures and Rother materials were collected and developer by Tomasz Piotrowski.
Bartłomiej Bubiak, the producer and cinematographer, after viewing the film said: ‘This is only the beginning of a long, 50 minute film of the same name. We are now in the process of taking pictures of the flight. This film will be made in the most possibile modern way.’
The opening ceremony included a performance by the team of the Third Age, who performed ‘Rota’ and other patriotic and Vilnius songs.
Stanislaw Kiałka was a phenomenal conspirator and organizer. He was a Jesuit seminarian from the former Prussian partition, a soldier in September 1939, Army officer, aide and friend of General Aleksander Krzyzanowski, a Siberian, and then hated by the Communists historian and documentary filmmaker of Polish armed action in the Vilnius region, and finally, a charismatic organizer of the socjety of Home Army soldiers. Communist Security Service regarded him – quite rightly – as extremely dangerous,watched him until He died in May 1980.
Translated by Irmina Myśliwiec within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.