• July 6, 2014
  • 564

Honorary Consul of Lithuania in Szczecin: I receive this award as a honor

‘Being in the Presidential Palace after 8 years is in some sense the culmination of my work in the West Pomeranian consular” – said Wieslaw Wierzchoś, the Honorary Consul of RL in Szczecin, who was awarded today (July 6th) by President Dalia Grybauskaite with the medal of the Order “for Merits to Lithuania”.

‘ Your minds, hands and hearts make great things in the name of the state. Let this example to inspire everyone to help the successful development of Lithuania. Merit of the people working in the favor of Lithuania are always visible and will not be forgotten. These achievements help in creating a new history of Lithuania” – Said president while handing the badges.

‘I receive this award as a honor. The consulate in Szczecin was opened in 2006. The city is a significant place for Lithuania, because the Lithuanian pilots (heroes sacrificed their flight to the LRepublic of Lithuania) were killed in Szczecin in 1933. Last year was the 80th anniversary. President Dalia Grybauskaite, Minister of Foreign Affairs- Linas Linkevicius, Minister of the National Defence -Juozas Olekas and many more politicians were at the ceremony. Therefore, it is extremely important for Lithuania that the plaque, which was unveiled at the Cathedral Church St. James the Apostle in Szczecin by President Valdas Adamkus in 2008 and dedicated by Archbishop Zygmunt Kaminski, where hundreds of thousands of people a year are moving, because it is a monument of the twelfth century.’ – said Wierzchoś.

Honorary Consul admitted that the order “For Merits to Lithuania” is of a great importance. Being in the Presidential Palace after 8 years is in some sense the culmination of my work in consular of Zachodniopomorskie. I consider it as a honor and personal satisfaction. It should be emphasized that this is not only my merit. Ambassador Romanas Podagėlis opened the consulate, ambassador Egidijus Meilunas, who was the ambassador to Poland at that time, recommended me. It is our common success which we continue” – said Wierzchoś.

Wieslaw Wierzchoś holds the position of Consul General RL from October 12, 2006. He is also a chairman of the Interagent ship agency.  Honorary Consul is the consular officer, however, does not collect salary for his work unlike the professional consuls. He works honorably.

Translated by Irmina Myśliwiec within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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