• June 13, 2014
  • 633

Conference about Polish language: there are successes, but there are not enough handbooks

IV Reporting Conference of Polish Language and Literature Teachers of the Vilnius region was conducted on the 11th of June in a charming place of Sołeczniki region – in the Chamber of Memory about Anna Krepsztul in Taboryszki.

Polish scholars from the Vilnius region, managers of zonal methodic circles were talking about the achievements of teachers in the finishing school year: events conducted, Olympiads and contests organized, successes of students. There was also highlighted the problem which bothers teachers of Polish for a long time: in schools there is still not a proper handbook for learning literature in classes 11-12. Danuta Mołoczko, the director of the Museum of Anna Krepsztul showed guests the museum around and made the person of magnificent painter closer.

On the conference there were both Polish scholars from Vilnius: doc. dr Barbara Dwilewicz from Polish Language, Culture and Didactic Centre in Lithuanian Educology University, and dr Regina Jakubenas from Polish Centre of Vilnius University. There couldn’t be absent also representatives of regional education authorities: manager of the department of education from Vilnius Region Local Government – Lilia Andruszkiewicz, and the older specialist of the department of education – Janina Klimaszewska.

‘I am glad that Polish scholars from Vilnius region the 6th time report about their work – arduous and hard. I am proud of the work of Polish language teachers – it is known that any school event – anniliversary, inauguration, or the end of the school year – is not conducted without contribution of Polish language teachers. I would like to thank You very much for Your commitment, hardship, determination, no matter what difficulties You face. I assess very high the work of Polish language teachers’ – thanked for work Lilia Andruszkiewicz. The account from the work of Polish language teachers put forward managers of zonal methodic circles: the manager of miejszagolska zone Lilia Wojciechowska from Junior High School in Awiżenie, the manager of niemenszyńska zone Krystyna Rostowska fromJnior High School of Konstanty Parczewski in Niemenczyn, the manager of kowalszucka zone Regina Jaświnfrom Junior High School of Stanisław Moniuszko in Kowalczuki, the manager of ciechanowiska zone Ludmiła Kuzborska from High School in Ciechanowiszki, the manager of mickuńska zone Danuta Czerniawska from High School in Mościszki, and the manager of rudomińska zone Bożena Bieleninik from Junior High School of St. Rafał Kalinowski in Niemież.

Polish scholars really had the achievements to be proud of, talking about plenty of Polish language events accompanying the daily teaching process. To the calendar of regular events at schools are written annual, traditional Olympiads and Mini Olympiades of Polish language taking place in every school; these are also  spelling contests, getting bigger and bigger, designed not only for students of particular classes, but also for parents; these are also school theatres, getting awards on school theatres’ festivals; this is also unchangeably solemnly celebrated Polish Independence Day; traditional participation in recitation contest ‘Kresy’; Polish Language Week at schools; participation in interschool projects, scientific conferences, integrated lessons; cognitive trips; this is also the cooperation with lecturers and students from abroad, as well as common lessons with a School Centre of National Subjects. Current year has been full of anniversary celebrations: the 150 anniversary of January Rising and 150 anniversary of birth of Stefan Żeromski was celebrated. And that is only a shortage of great work which gives great results: a lot of Olympiad participants, contests’ and competitions’ laureates, intelligent youth. The coordinator Lidia Andruszkiewicz gave diplomas to a great number of winners and laureates of contests and Olympiads, which are a significant highlight of also teachers’ work.

At the Conference. Dr. Barbara Dwilewicz gave a reading on linguistic, to deliver a discussion on common mistakes. People have talked about the positive sides of the job, however every day teachers have to deal with many problems.-The basic problem is that educators are working in classrooms that connect. 5. and 6. class — this is the great hindrance to work of Polish teacher — spoke for “Courier” Janina Klimaszewska. -Another problem is that youth is multilingual, immersed in popular culture in the Russian, Lithuanian, hence the problem of linguistic correctness, frequent readings from the Russian language, also Lithuanian. Well, unfortunately, less and less people read — young people do not want to read books.

Teachers stressed that Polish language becomes the”excommunicated”  language ,teaching of which need to be constantly seek, and in the run-up to the exams the student doesn’t have on the table even the appropriate manual.

— The Problem of textbooks has been discussed more often than not — in an interview with “Courier” stressed Valerie Tomaszun, Director of Polish language teachers, the Vilnius Pedagogical Circles author methodologies of the Junior High School of ks. Joseph Obrembski in the Maišiagala Castle Hill. — If the textbooks from grade 5. high jumper every now and then to renew (are written by them won easily on the experts, lecturers Telewizja Polska), is a modern manual to study literature for grades 11-12. Are old worn-out textbooks we use, but the content does not correspond to the requirements of the software. Since I changed the content of the curriculum and it was based on. thematic circles there is no customized manual.

As the author said, teaching in such a situation is very difficult, because the teacher must develop each lesson wertując piles of outdated textbooks, using the materials, you need kserując fragments of texts.

Doc. Dr. Barbara Dwilewicz has drawn attention to linguistic issues among students. Anna Pieszko

— Just as I see the manual for teaching Lithuanian language — beautiful, freshly, brand new, interesting, with illustrations, it walks up to him with seriousness, with reverence. And we? In his studio I have two or three cabinet portfolios filled with kserowanymi materials, they are sorted, but what I have, I have yet to duplicate and give students a hand. If I have 16 students per class — that I have to do it. Photocopying is paid and the school cannot afford such expenses. We use of course with multimedia items, but not all are so well equipped labs. What is the treatment? -She asked with bitterness author.

Local schools are subject to the Ministry of education, which approves programs that teach our children. The Ministry of education approves teaching plans. If there are such topics, and there is no manual, what the hell’s the problem that needs to be exposed. You must realize that there is a need for such a manual, adapted to the curriculum — spoke to head of education Lily Andruszkiewicz.

Painful topics around the Polish language is more. One of them is the problem of the Polish language exam.

-Polish Language as mother tongue should be native English and should be the subject of respected recruitment on all studios — in an interview with “Courier,” said Valerie Tomaszun, Manager of wheels a methodical Polish language teachers; Division. -Examination of the mother tongue must be followed by the State examination. Hurt me too much, why our students now have to submit to Lithuanian State language as mother tongue? After all, my students, my own children are the Poles, so why Lithuanian on the exam has become a native? Pupils learn Lithuanian with honor to this exam approach, because they want to be good with this language and accept, because they should know the State language. But Polish language then it is removed and it becomes such excommunicated, because it becomes an additional exam to submission. And here you need to get the head in front of our parents, students, who decide to submit language Polish the high school, because they themselves decide they want to contain and fight for it, to see it.

After the Conference, teachers went on a tour of the sołeczniki region: visited the complex historical buildings of the former Republic of the Estate close to the Turgiel, the historic Palace in Jaszuny, where they are currently carried out restoration work, the family cemetery of Balińscy and Śniadeccy in Jaszuny.

Translated by Ewelina Filonik within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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