- March 25, 2013
- 438
Vilnius University will introduce its own examination of the Lithuanian language?

After that, when at the request of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania Lithuania’s Minister of Education Dainius Pavalkis signed a decree on the introduction of facilities for the submission of the exam for the secondary school certificate and evaluation of the Lithuanian language for students from the schools of national minorities in Lithuania, was erupted again.
Not only that the decision was contested by members of the parliamentary opposition Stasys Šedbarasa, Valentinas Stundysa, Gintaras and Dalia Steponavičius Teišerskytė to the Supreme Administrative Court, there is also the information that the University of Vilnius decided to introduce its own entrance exam of the Lithuanian language.
A clarification on the “Courier” temporarily turned to acting rector of Vilnius University doc. hab.dr. Jūras Banys
– I can repeat what I said earlier that very seriously considering introducing its own examination of the Lithuanian language. As the students get into college by the results of final examinations and various tests consist of the Lithuanian language, comes a huge problem, how to evaluate the results of these exams. If one student received 60 points for the exam, and the other 50, the question is – which is better? The University must accept the results of which are the best, because it is the basic criterion for admission to college. Uniform exam creates a big problem for us – says Juras Banys.
However, so far the task of the Lithuanian language exam were separately store for: students of schools with Lithuanian language of instruction filed it as a speaker, minority high school students – as a state. The exam was unified in 2011, following the amendment of the Education Act. This caused a backlash of the Polish community. After amended Law held a series of rallies in front of the Sejm and the Office of the President RL, warning strike, many thousands protest march through the center of Vilnius.
So we ask the acting rector of Vilnius University – “why did not the Vilnius University introduce the recruitment examination in the Lithuanian language before, when the Polish secondary school students have made it to high school not yet in an unified character?
– Yes, but now all this noise arose (a standardized exam – the editor), and if a student appeals against the court, we will not have an argument as to why the study got one and not the other disciple. There has been a struggle for state funding and the clear problem: how to divide the “basket” if the exams are unequal – explains the professor.
Vilnius University is also considering the possibility of completely dispensing with the examination of the Lithuanian language:
– As a student, people must be literate, they are so far only theoretical, to dispense with the examination of the Lithuanian language. The only way out is to introduce its own examination of the Lithuanian language – said “Courier” Juras Banys.
When you enter college recruitment exam of the Lithuanian language, there is no clear answer.
– Very hard to say. How to submit circumstances. Dates certainly cannot be called – said Banys.
When asked whether the test could be introduced later this year, Juras Banys said:
– I do not know what will be the final exam, and will differ evaluation. It’s hard to say.
On the other hand, in his interviews with the media temporarily Lithuanian-acting rector of Vilnius University assoc. prof. Juras Banys said that the aim of the University is taking to college students who know the subject best. “If exams are uneven and unequal evaluation of how we can realize the overall recruitment? If we cannot compare the knowledge of the Lithuanian language test, one or the other group is discriminated against. In fact, it’s segregation. Which group will suffer, now we cannot explain, but one group of students will be discriminated against at the expense of the other. “
P. o. Rector Jūras Banys he also added that the law changes in submission mode exams must be advertise 2 years prior to their introduction, so this year the novelty cannot be implemented and for now remains in the realm of the theoretical considerations.
On request, a member of the ruling coalition, the task of AWPL papers for high school students non-Lithuanian will be easier this year than anticipated is amended by the previous term, the Act on education. Reduced has been valid for a exam for the secondary school certificate a minimum of words (up to 400 words on a State exam and 250 words on the exam school). High school gradueates of the Lithuanian school will write an essay about 100 words long.
Tłumaczenie Katarzyna Dąbrowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Katarzyna Dąbrowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.