• February 26, 2013
  • 517

The serial with Joanna Moro was watched by over 6 million viewers


Last Friday TVP 1 broadcasted the first episode of the serial „Anna German. Tajemnice białego anioła” in which Joanna Moro was the main character. The first episode was watched by 6,355 million viewers.

„Anna German. Tajemnice białego anioła” is a common production of Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Croatia. Firstly, the serial was emitted in Russia. Lots of people liked the production. In Russia the serial about the famous singer was watched by more than 22 million viewers.

“That’s the most important role in my life – beautiful, amazing and difficult as well. Some actors wait for it the whole life. I’m very glad that I have a chance to take part in such an interesting project” – said the actor to PL DELFI.

Anna German was born in 1936 in Uzbekistan. In 1946 Anna with her mother came to Poland. Anna was educated in a geology but she always loved singing. Thanks to her mother she knew seven languages and she sang in that seven languages. She debuted in 1960. For her most famous songs “Tak mi z tym źle” and “Tańczące Eurydyki” she won prizes on festivals in Sopot and Opole.

Joanna Moro, Polish actor born in Vilnius, graduated from State Theatre Academy in Warsaw. She acted in some production like (titles are given in an original language – Polish) „Na Wspólnej“, „Londyńczycy“ , “Kopciuszek” czy „Faceci do wzięcia“.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/kultura/kultura/serial-z-joanna-moro-obejrzalo-juz-ponad-6-milionow-widzow.d?id=60777883#ixzz2M2MeKlh8

Tłumaczenie Diana Omiljaniuk w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Diana Omiljaniuk the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 


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