• February 22, 2013
  • 595

Juliusz Bardach Award


The Grand Duchy of Lithuania Institute in Kowno established Juliusz Bardach Award which will be granted to the finest Master’s Theses and Doctoral Dissertations on national, legal and cultural legacy of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in XIX-XX centuries, or analyses of subjects concerning a history of at least two countries lying on the former lands of the Great Duchy of Lithuania, i.e. Belarus, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine. The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2013.


Juliusz Bardach Award, established by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania Institute in Kowno (hereinafter referred to as: the Award), will be granted to the Doctoral Dissertations and Master’s Theses (or equivalent) on the GDL issues.

1. The Award’s purpose is to encourage people to conduct the researches into the GDL legacy, its national, legal and cultural tradition.

2. Priority will be given to subjects discussing a national, legal and cultural tradition of the GDL; vestiges of the GDL’s notions in XIX and XX centuries; as well as to topics concerning the history of at least several contemporary countries that once embodied the GDL—Lithuania, Poland, Belarus and Ukraine.

3. Submitted works may tackle diverse branches of the humanities: history, political science, history of art, philology, sociology, history of law and political system, geography.

4. Citizens of various countries may register for the Award, provided that they submit Doctoral Dissertation or Master’s Thesis (equivalent theses and dissertations will be accepted as well). The deadline for submissions is September 30, 2013.

5. Only the works registered from January 26, 2010 to the year 2013 qualify for the first Award. For the Award in the next years, from 2014 on, works registered sooner than two years prior to a given year will not be qualified.

6. Works can be submitted by a candidate in person or an institution (a faculty, department, academic centre and so on), following the candidacy acceptance.

7. Submitted works can be written in Lithuanian, Polish, Belarusian, Ukrainian, as well as Russian and English.

8. The deadline for submissions is September 30 each year. The electronic version of the work, with the supervisor’s (Doctoral Dissertations and Master’s Theses) and reviewer’s (only Master’s Theses) opinion, should be send via e-mail at the following e-mail address: rustisk@centras.lt.

9. The winners of the first, second and third place will be appointed by an academic commission of the GDL Institute.

10. The awards will be granted in Kowno, every year, in February.

11. Additional information can be found on the GDL Institute’s website (www.iwxl.lt), or +370 686 31146, rustisk@centras.lt (Rūstis Kamuntavičius).

Prof. Juliusz Bardach (1914-2010),  a prominent historian of Polish and Lithuanian Law, one of the leading researchers of  the Grand Duchy of Lithuania history, especially the history of political system and notion. An active proponent of keeping  positive scientific relations in the whole area of pre-partitioned Polish Commonwealth [Polish: Rzeczpospolita—translator’s note] (Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine). He dedicated all his life to issues concerning Lithuania, beginning with marvellous opening at Stephen Báthory University in Vilnius, where he prepared and published, in 1938, a thesis on adoption in Lithuanian law of XV-XVI centuries.

A general five volume synthesis—History of the Polish State and Law, edited by J. Bardach, is considered to be his opus magnum. However, Lithuanian history researchers cannot do without Juliusz Bardach’s dissertations, such as O Litwie dawnej czy niedawnej [On Former and Recent Lithuania] or Statuty litewskie a prawo rzymskie [Lithuanian Statutes and Roman Law].

J. Bardach’s bibliography of publications covers over 600 titles, among which we can find a several books and a hundreds of academic studies and treatises, also in foreign languages. What is more, J. Bardach served notably for numerous academic institutions, organizations and international associations. He was a foreign member of one of the oldest extant scientific academy in the world—Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei in Rome (1974), Accademia Mediterranea delle Scienze in Catania (1982) and so forth. His position and scientific authority, within a country and abroad, were also determined by received academic, domestic and foreign awards. Particular position is occupied by the degrees honoris causa of the University of Lodz (1995), the University of Warsaw (1996) and the University of Vilnius (1997), as well as the renewal of the doctorate of the Jagiellonian Uniwersity (on the 50th anniversary in 1999), and  the Alfred Jurzykowski Foundation Award in New York (1983) for lifetime achievement within the law and politics of Poland and  East-Central Europe.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/kultura/kultura/nagroda-im-juliusza-bardacha.d?id=60729953

Tłumaczenie Hanna Hołub w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Hanna Hołub the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 


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