- February 20, 2013
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Vilnius—a Place of Eternal Nostalgia

On 28 February 2013, Thursday, in the Crystal Hall of Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Nowoursynowska street 166) will be held the next meeting of the series “Bliscy znani i …nieznani” [”Relatives known and… unknown”] titled “Vilnius—a Place of Eternal Nostalgia,” the guest of which will be a Vilnius writer, an editor in chief of the quarterly magazine “Znad Wilii” [“From Neris”], a cultural attractor—Romuald Mieczkowski.
– Magical City Beneath Clouds—prof. Teresa Zaniewska, head of the Education and Culture Department
– Vilnius You Don’t Know—a story and presentation of the most picturesque views of the city
– Vilnius in Romuald Mieczkowski Poetic Word—recited by the author
– Vilnius’ and Lvov’s Kresy Ballad [Kresy: Confines—translator’s note]—presented by an actor of Warsaw stages, prof. Stanisław Górka
– Poles’ and Lithuanians’ Everyday Lives—a discussion
– A feast with friends with a glass of wine
Conduct: Leonarda Szubzda, Teresa Zaniewska
Special guests: Agata Lewandowski, a movie director, cultural attractor (Berlin) and Tadeusz Samborski, former Sejm Deputy of the RP.
There will be opened a stall with “Znad Wilii” magazine, publications and Vilnius paintings.
Free admission.
Organizer: the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Social Science, Department of Education and Culture
28 Feb 2013 – 17:00 – 19:00
Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/wilno-miejscem-wiecznej-tesknoty
Tłumaczenie Hanna Hołub w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Hanna Hołub the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.