• February 19, 2013
  • 419

Tomaszewski: AWPL remains in the government. The announcement of AWPL press office


After the meeting with the Prime Minister, Algirdas Butkevičius, and the Political Council of ruling coalition, the leader of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (AWPL) announced that his party had decided to remain in the government, reported BNS.

Before the session, the leader of the party Waldemar Tomaszewski had met with the Prime Minister, Algirdas Butkevičius with whom he discussed the issues connected with the functioning of the coalition and the difficulties resulting from it. After half-hour meeting with the Prime Minister, the leader of AWPL Waldemar Tomaszewski managed to clarify the majority of the problematic issues and to establish the mechanism of realization of the decisions of Political Council, announced the press office of AWPL.

“I am satisfied with the meeting with the Prime Minister and the Political Council. In the nearest future we will try to solve all the current problems. We have not fixed dates yet but virtually the agreement has been achieved” – said Tomaszewski after the session of Political Council.

The leader of AWPL did not specify in which issues the agreement with the Prime Minister had been obtained.

“We were talking about the budget, about certain educational issues and about the cooperation of our parties in some of the local governments” – the Eurodeputy replied.

At the meeting of the coalition partners which took place after the meeting of AWPL representatives with the Prime Minister, the issues connected with the functioning of the coalition were raised and the economic and the social situation in the country were discussed. The agreement was possible to obtain in the majority of controversial issues. It was decided that during a series of working meetings which will start today, the schedule of realization of certain decisions will be accepted.

Upon termination of the meeting during the conference of the leaders of the coalition parties, Algirdas Butkevičius, Waldemar Tomaszewski, Wiktor Uspaskich and Roland Paksas were discussing the course of Political Council and they pledged further existence of the four-party coalition.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/aktualia/litwa/tomaszewski-awpl-zostaje-w-rzadzie.d?id=60711535

Tłumaczenie Barbara Rożek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Barbara Rożek the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 


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