- February 18, 2013
- 464
The other act of vandalism against Poles in Vilnius

„Lenkija lenkams”, „Lietuva lietuviams”, „Polska no”( “Poland for Poles, Lithuania for Lithuanians” (“Polska dla Polaków, Litwa dla Litwniów”)) – these and the other affronting writings and Gedymin pile appeared on the walls of the branch of the comprehensive school named Joachim Lelewel in Vilnius at Minities 3 Street.
The writings appeared at night from Saturday to Sunday (16-17 February). On Sunday morning, about 8am. The guardian saw it and informed the police.
– It is an awful act of vandalism – said the assistant director of the school Teresa Bylińska – now the school has to pay for it, we need to wipe or paint it.
The school has no cameras so the investigation will be difficult. As a spokesperson for the first police station Evelina Paguonis informed the accident took place after the holiday of February 16. The police officers were asked to arrive to the branch of the comprehensive school named Joachim Lelewel and they saw the walls in red, green and blue paint. They conducted an investigation.
-Everybody who knows something about the accident is asked to call the police at 112 and to make a proper statement – asked the police officer.
In last year there were also acts of vandalisn. In June 2012 criminals destroyed the mausoleum of Józef Piłsudski and the tomb of his mother which were in Kwatera Legionistów Starej Tossy. On a graphitic board under which there is the heart of Piłsudski someone painted in orange Giedymin pile. That accident was criticized by the Premier of the Government – Andrius Kobilius, by the chairperson of the Seym – Irena Degutiene and by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Audronius Ažubalis.
The next accident took place in November last year. The criminal put a banner with threats and the imitation of explosives to the Member of European Parliament and the director of Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania – Waldemar Tomaszewski. There was an investigation and five people was put in a prison for 48 hours. They were suspected of devastating the mausoleum of Józef Piłsudski and his mother. “Things and documents” which were important for the investigation were secured.
– It is abysmal – said Regina Sawlewicz, the assistant director of branch of the comprehensive school named Joachim Lelewel – I do not want to comment it.
Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/02/18/kolejny-chuliganski-wybryk-w-wilnie/
Tłumaczenie Diana Omiljaniuk w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Diana Omiljaniuk the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.