- February 14, 2013
- 444
The Results of XXIV Polish Linguistics and Literature Olympiad of Vilnius District

“Hence, if joy, then with a touch of fear;
if despair, then not without some quiet hope.”
Wisława Szyborska
translated by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavenagh
On February 6 of the current year in Konstanty Parczewski Middle School in Niemenczyn was held XXIV District Polish Linguistics and Literature Olympiad. Wisława Szymborska’s words are the motto of this edition. 26 schoolchildren from 18 schools of Vilnius District partook in the olympiad. The first day was dedicated to interpreting poems of Wisława Szymborska, Zbigniew Herbert, Cyprian Kamil Norwid and Tadeusz Kowicki’s prose. After a break the participants had to sit a test. On February 7 took place verbal appointments on Polish linguistics and literature.
The youth was assessed by a commission consisted of:
a chairman—expert Wiktor Kirkiewicz
1. Bożena Bieleninik
2. Danuta Czerniewskaja
3. Helena Streła
4. Lucja Podworska
5. Lilija Wojciechowska
6. Krystyna Stankevičienė
1. Bożena Czepułkowska, Secondary School in Mickuny, a tutor Krystyna Witlicka
2. Kamilia Sinkewicz, Secondary School in Awiżenie, a tutor Alicija Segen
3. Elżbieta Kulicka, Jan Bosko Secondary School, a tutor Krystyna Dejnarowicz
4. Justyna Dziemieszko, Secondary School in Ławaryszki, a tutor Halina Szturo
5. Iwona Kijewicz, Secondary School in Rukojnie, a tutor Lucija Kuzborska
6. Agata Sadowska, St Stanisław Kostka Secondary School in Podbrzezie, a tutor Anna Bartoszko
7. Barbara Prokopowicz, Juliusz Słowacki Secondary School in Bezdany, a tutor Edyta Klimaszewska
8. Elżbieta Salmanowicz, Stanisław Moniuszko Middle School in Kowalczuki, a tutor Regina Jaświn
9. Erika Janusz, Secondary School in Rukojnie, a tutor Regina Iwaszko
10. Marzena Dziatłowska, Secondary School in Ciechanowiszki, a tutor Katarzyna Oleszkiewicz
11. Łukasz Mikielewicz, Konstanty Parczewski Middle School in Niemenczyn, a tutor Aldona Sudenis
Congratulations to all the contestants of XXIV Polish Linguistics and Literature Olympiad of Vilnius District, who got through to the final, on well-grounded knowledge of Polish linguistics and literature, the ability to present the required reading straightforwardly and a great attitude during the olympic struggle.
Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/02/14/wyniki-xxiv-olimpiady-jezyka-polskiego-w-rejonie-wilenskim/
Tłumaczenie Hanna Hołub w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Hanna Hołub the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.