• February 13, 2013
  • 459

Katarzyna is a true pearl

© Klubas.lt

In a new TV project „Łysy i Pani” („A bold and a woman”, Lithuanian: „Plikis ir Ponia”) the hosts – a well-known showman and the former chairman of the Seym – Arūnas Valinskas and the host of the talk show “Godzina z Rutą” (“An hour with Ruta”, Lithuanian: “Valanda su Ruta”) Rūta Mikelkevičiūtė – were looking for an ansers to the question: “Who rules the world… Men or Women?” One of the person who was for a woman was well-known singer from Vilnius – Katarzyna Niemyćko.

The host of the show reminded Katarzyna of having gone away from her wedding after having heard the ultimatum: „Me or the career”.

„I have never thought about it, even a minute. Perhaps I didn’t even love him. Moreover, the choice was between him and the scene. However, Deividas (Zvonkus – PL DELFI) never complain that I’m not a housewife. For me he is just perfect” – said Katarzyna.

Then the host of the show Valinskas asked Deividas : „Deividai, how did it happen that you fell in love with Katarzyna?”

Deividas, who is known from his short and concise answers, said eloquently: “Katarzyna is not a woman, she is a pearl. I’m with her and I will never let her go”

Afterward, Katarzyna told the true story of their first date.

„Yes, he first mentioned that he liked me, but I made first step. After a project I said to him that “there will be no more occasion to meet for a coffee”. And then he replied: “Do we really need any project to spend time together?” And that is how it started, but initiative came out of me” – said Katarzyna.

Others who took part in a show – a race driver Benediktas Vanagas, the host of TV programmes Jogaila Morkūnas, a cook Ruslanas Bolgovas, a politician Vilija Blinkevičiūtė and the master of sambo Santa Pakenytė – also tried to prove their points.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/rozrywka/katarzyna-jest-prawdziwa-perla.d?id=60658617#ixzz2KudFwX9x

Tłumaczenie Diana Omiljaniuk w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Diana Omiljaniuk the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 


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