- February 8, 2013
- 435
During meeting the Council has approved the plan for solving young people’s issues and the survey procedure of citizens

Autonomy Council of Vilnius Region during the meeting on the 2nd of February decided to finance the realization of investment project “Development and modernization of radiological services in the Central Clinic of Vilnius Region.”
Since 2006 Central Clinic of Vilnius Region participated in the realization of the Optimization of The Radiological Help Program in Lithuania. During the realization of the program in 2007 there has been prepared the investment project called “Modernization of the X-Ray room in Central Clinic of Vilnius Region”. The aim of the program is to obtain means for purchasing the CT scanner as well as to improve X-Ray apparatus.
In 2008 the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania accepted the sum of 250, 000 LTL for improving the X-Ray apparatuses. The project has been presented each year to the Ministry of Health in order to obtain the public investments. In 2012 the project was approved and in 2013 its financing was forecasted. Also, the project became a part of Strategic Development Plan for Autonomy of Vilnius Region for years 2008-2015.
At the moment the CT service is accessible for Vilnius Region citizens in other health care institutions in Vilnius. In order to benefit from the service citizens have to wait in long queues which is an uncomfortable situation. These problems will be solved as soon as Central Clinic of Vilnius Region obtains the CT scanner which will result in increased accessibility to radiological diagnostics service, volume and quality of medical examination. The initial costs of the CT scanner amount to 1 600,000 LTL.
On the meeting the plan for solving young people’s issues in the Autonomy of Vilnius Region has been approved for years 2013-2018. Plan for solving young people’s issues is a strategy which names issues in different areas. It forecasts essential means and initiatives aiming at solving young people’s issues in the Autonomy of Vilnius Region as well as improving their situation.
Councillors have also approved the survey procedure of citizens of Autonomy of Vilnius Region. The survey will be organized by autonomy’s administrative director. Thanks to it citizens of the autonomy will be able to take part in works on autonomy’s public issues as it is stated in regulations of the Act of local government.
At the end of the Council’s meeting all of its members were invited to XI Ski Marathon of Giedymin which will take place on the 3rd of February in Bezdany and also to carnival fest which will start at 12 on the 9th of February in Dukszty.
Tłumaczenie Justyna Wieczorek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Justyna Wieczorek the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.