- February 6, 2013
- 428
Let’s help Czesia Czernuszewicz’s heart to beat

She is the fourth and the youngest child in the family. She is only 12 years old and she already must fight for the right to live. Czesia Czernuszewicz from the Šalčininkai district is awaiting for expensive and indispensable heart transplant which can save her life.
The girl, who is currently in France, suffers from a serious heart disease – idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. The illness has deprived Czesia of a normal childhood.
― Czesia was born with the disease and up to 3 years old she was continually in hospitals together with her mom. Breathing, running and simply walking was quite an effort for the girl – said Jolanta Černiavskienė, the representative of the Šalčininkai district municipality in conversation with ‘Kurier’. ― This little girl with her weak heart did not have a childhood like other children. It was very early that she had understood how precious each moment spent on this earth is…
About 400 thousand litas are necessary for a heart transplant. A considerable part of this amount will be covered by the insurance, however the girl’s parents have to pay off 20-30 per cent of the cost of the operation which gives about 80-90 thousand litas.
This amount of money extends beyond the financial capabilities of Czesława and Henryk Czernuszewicz – the girl’s mum is employed as a cleaner on a ¾ time basis in Kalesninkai Primary School and the father works during the seasonal works and at a building site.
The situation of the whole family is extremely difficult. As it turned out, however, in a situation like that one may become convinced how compassionate and generous people are in our society.
A short time ago parents appealed in the Polish media in Lithuania, including ‘Kurier Wileński’, for help in the fight for their beloved daughter’s life.
Yesterday in the account of ‘A Heart for a Heart’ foundation, where money for Czesia Czernuszewicz’s operation is collected, there was 51 405 litas which means over half of the necessary sum.
― As of today the money was donated by over 300 individuals and companies. Different amounts of money are paid in, from 20 up to 5 000 litas. The generosity of our compatriots pleases us a lot! ― stressed Jolanta Černiavskienė. — Sick Czesia’s mum, Mrs. Czesława, told us that money that will not be spent on the treatment of her daughter will be transferred for the treatment of another child who needs help.
Our interlocutor added that Czesława flies to her daughter on 14th March, which means that the money must be gathered till that day. At present the girl stays at a Czernuszewicz family’s friends’ house. Czesia is in a good mood, she keeps in touch with her family via Skype and she is looking forward to her mum arrival.
The representatives of the clergy have also took up to collecting money for a new heart for the brave girl. On Sunday, the parish priests in the Šalčininkai district announced about a money collection for Czesia, that will be held next Sunday, i.e. 10th February in the majority of churches in the Deanery of Šalčininkai.
The growing amount of money paid in the account of ‘A Heart for a Heart’ foundation can be observed on the website of the Šalčininkai district municipality www.salcininkai.lt.
Czesława and Henryk Czernuszewicz, 29-year-old Wiktor, 22-year-old Paulina and 14-year-old Krystyna are still praying for health for their beloved daughter and sister and appeal to good people for help.
Here is the bank account that you can deposit money into:
Swedbank LT987300010019407701 Česlava Černuševič.
We thank you for your help and wish you good health!
Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/02/06/pomozmy-bic-sercu-czesi-czernuszewicz/
Tłumaczenie Barbara Rożek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Barbara Rożek the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.