- February 5, 2013
- 487
New Prime Minister visits Šalčininkai

The Prime Minister of Lithuania Algirdas Butkevičius will pay Šalčininkai a visit next Thursday. He will be accompanied by the deputy minister of Education and Science Edita Tamošiūnaitė, the deputy minister of Agriculture Leokadia Poczykowska, the deputy minister of Communications Władysław Kondratowicz and Marius Busilas, the deputy minister of Economy.
The government delegation will meet with the mayor of the Šalčininkai district Zdzisław Palewicz, representatives of the local government, entrepreneurs and farmers. The guests from the capital city will be familiarized with the achievements and problems of the region.
Zdzisław Palewicz, the mayor of the Šalčininkai district, said to ‘Wilnoteka’: ‘Every visit paid by high-ranking civil servants is welcomed and awaited. The visit of the Prime Minister is of great significance and we especially appreciate the fact that he visits Šalčininkai at the very beginning of his term of office’.
‘I hope that this is not going to be a courtesy visit only. The former government had paid us many calls and made many promises but regrettably, it was all in vain. I expect that Thursday visit will be of economic character’ – the mayor expressed his hope. ‘As well as other regions, we have our own problems for solution of which we need decisions and government documents’ – he added.
Regarding the topics that are planned to be raised at the meeting with the Prime Minister, Zdzisław Palewicz listed, among other, funding for roads, insufficient resources for heating, unemployment, problems in the agricultural sector. The issues of education will also be raised.
‘During the meeting once again I will personally give my support for various programme principles of the present government relating to the regional policy, better conditions for the development of enterprise. I’m also very glad that a whole chapter on the national minorities was included in the programme. The government promises to solve the problem of dual nomenclature, the original spelling of last names and to postpone the unified matura exam from Lithuanian. Now the most important is to bring the programme into force’ – told Zdzisław Palewicz.
Based on: Inf.wł.
Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/wizyta-nowego-premiera-w-solecznikach
Tłumaczenie Barbara Rożek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Barbara Rożek the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.