• February 1, 2013
  • 381

National Grandparents Day in the Community Centre of Social Service of the Czarny Bór County

@ Kurier Wilenski

Let You Guardian Angel, Your protector from heaven

Beg for everything what You, Grandma, need 

The generation of elderly people is a treasury of universal values, worldly wisdom, so often underestimated and inconvenient for the contemporary contemporary conventions of life. Our grandparents can inculate in young minds humility, respect for life, for another man and faith in the fact that one can survive everything. The grey-haired head arouses respect – it is a symbol of dignity.

On 24th January, 2013 the Community Centre of Social Service of the Czarny Bór County organized “National Grandparents Day”. During the event grandmothers and grandfathers could admire young people performing in various artistic forms. Young talents from the School of Fine Arts in Rudomin put a lot of effort in preparing the event. They were happy that they could express their respect for the grandparents in such a festive way. Beloved grandmothers and beloved grandfathers are very important in every family. The performing young people wished them 100 years in good health, a lot of joy and serenity.

On behalf of the event’s organizers we would like to thank Ms Janina Jurcewicz, Mr Jerzy Krupicewicz and the teachers from  the School of Fine Arts for their cooperation, as well as the councillor of the Self-Government of the Vilnius District Municipality Kazimierz Wojsznis for sweets for our grandmothers.

The  Community Centre of Social Service is fully maintained from budgetary funds of  the Self-Government of the Vilnius District Municipality. The basic activity of the centre is to provide social service. It is a daily centre of social service which helps various social groups: lonely people, single parents who bring up children and others.

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/02/01/swieto-babci-i-dziadka-w-srodowiskowym-centrum-uslug-socjalnych-starostwa-czarnoborskiego/

Tłumaczenie Barbara Szydłowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Barbara Szydłowska the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 


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