- November 28, 2012
- 534
Szełkowski: I want to take care of the outskirts of the city. The City Council has new members.

Starting from today (November 28th) the City Council of Vilnius has six new members. The council’s fraction of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania is now strengthened by Waldemar Szełkowski and Jan Tomaszewicz.
On a daily basis, Waldemar Szełkowski is a teacher of history in Józef Ignacy Kraszewski High School, whereas Jan Tomaszewicz is an adviser to the Mayor of Vilnius. In years 2007-2011 Tomaszewicz was a councillor from the Order and Justice party (Tvarka ir teisingumas).
“It is not about politics. The council should be more of an economic and educational structure. In Lithuania city councils are too politicized. I mostly want to take care of the outskirts of the city. Areas like Nowa Wilejka (Naujoji Vilnia) also need investments,” as Szełkowski says to PL DELFI. The new councillor wants his native Nowa Wilejka (Naujoji Vilnia) to have a lot more opportunities.
The matters of education are important for Szełkowski as well. In his view, there are many schools in Vilnius that need renovation. “I will probably sit in the Committee of Education, Culture, and Sport. I believe I have enough experience in these fields,” mentions Szełkowski.
During the last session the new councillors took an oath, and Mayor Artūras Zuokas gave them the city council membership cards. Apart from the two men from the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania, among the new councillors there are also a conservative Evaldas Maceika, a social-democrat Rimantas Vaitkus, and two members of the Labour Party who are going to take their oaths on the next session of the council.
Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/aktualia/litwa/szelkowski-chce-zwrocic-uwage-na-obrzeza-miasta.d?id=60103503
Tłumaczenie Natalia Błędowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Natalia Błędowska the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.