• November 26, 2012
  • 373

Saszenko acting as a beginning singer

© DELFI (T.Vinicko nuotr.)

After a successful debut in Elton John’s musical “Aida”, Ewelina Saszenko continues to conquer a professional theatre stage. This time the audience will have an opportunity to admire her great voice in a play “Zygfryd Werner’s cabaret”.

On this occasion Saszenko will impersonate in the role of naïve, beginning singer Nina. “Teachers of the singer” will be her often stage partner Jeronimas Milius and opera singer Kęstutis Alčauskis.

Saszenko admitted that it is not a usual role for her. A singer who is distinguished by her hot temper would have to act as a calm, naive girl who is a total opposite of a singer.

Reżyserem sztuki wystawianej na podstawie libretta Viktorii Streičy jest Kęstutis Jakštas, dyrygentem Jonas Janulevičius, o choreografię zadbali Dainius Bervingis i Gintaras Visockis.
Spektakl o życiu za kulisami, o przeżyciach aktorów, ich uczuciach i losach można będzie zobaczyć w Państwowym Teatrze Muzycznym w Kownie 30 listopada.

The director of the play based on Viktoria Streičy’s libretto is Kęstutis Jakštas, a conductor is Jonas Janulevičius, Dainius Bervingis i Gintaras Visockis took care of choreography. Performance about the life behind the scenes, about actor’s experiences, their feelings and lot would be available in the Kaunas State Musical Theatre on 30th November.

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/kultura/kultura/saszenko-w-roli-poczatkujacej-piosenkarki.d?id=60084291

Tłumaczenie Joanna Maria Wilk w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Joanna Maria Wilk the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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