- November 7, 2012
- 399
Common project of the Vilnius and Ashmyany district
At the beginning of November started a realization of a project “Two countries – common culture and history”. The Vilnius district will be carrying it out together with the Ashmyany district in Belarus. Even though both districts are located on territories of different states, have a common cultural-historical legacy and want to promote them together.
The cooperation between two districts lasts already from 2007, when the government of the Vilnius Area signed a cooperation agreement with the Executive Committee of the Ashmyany district. The latest project, apart from cultural aspects, is aimed at popularizing the border tourism.
Exhibitions will be renovated and equipment of the Museum of Władysław Syrokomli in Borejkovshina and Tourist Museum in Ashmyany. Partners will start a virtual cross-border tourist route “Historical trail on the Ashmyany Embankment” which will be available among others on the website of the Government of the Vilnius Area and the Centre of Tourist Information of the Vilnius area.
In the framework of the project in May in Borejkovshina will be held a Festival “Spring of the poetry” – two-days workshops for young poets of both countries with the participation of already recognized Polish poets from Lithuania and Belarus. An effect of a meeting is supposed to be a common volume of the poetry. In August will be held a Historical Festival “Halshany Castle” – from means of the project, to remind the common history. Over 40 dresses of princes, gentlemen and craftsmen from XIII-XIV century will be reconstructed.
The value of the project is 172 544 euro and 10 000 euro will be allocated by the Government of the Vilnius Area. The rest will be financed by European Union as part of the cross-border cooperation program Lithuania-Latvia-Belarus.
Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/wspolny-projekt-rejonu-wilenskiego-i-oszmianskiego
Tłumaczenie Daria Bergmann w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Daria Bergmann the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.