- November 5, 2012
- 486
Boncza: preoccupied because of relationships.

What are the relations between Poland and Lithuania or Between Lithuania and Poland? It might be seen with a naked eye and might be sniffed. Undoubtedly, there have been made some steps to improve the relationships. Every now and then there are some conferences and some meetings, seminaries, academic conference and committees are established to make relationships between countries better.
It is very good that those meetings have place but on the other hand they are very limited just in a view of discussion and dialogs among people who are concerned about the relationships between countries. We are informed about debates often after they had place and sometimes speaker needs listeners and by then the debates get the exposure.
I rather avert the role of being the one who is filling empty seats on the meetings because it is very hard to do. A person has a strange feeling when he/she listens to morals, when is ashamed for the level of meditations in front of colleagues from Lithuania. Instead of breaking the stereotypes they are getting deeper and deeper. It is not fair to remake the experiments made by experts including professors and wise media people.
The truth is that a man has no chance to talk on the forum of the meetings. The speakers know better – they were in Lithuania the y ate Cepelin and drunk “trzy dziewiątki”. They used to start their monologues in this way: as a minister(adviser, counselor, consul, politic, artist- cross out the unneeded one) or : I remember the event which had place with my Lithuanian friend( and usually there is a name given here).
International meeting have usually its place in some magical and historical places for our countries. To make possible to focus on the right things the place of meeting is usually held in some spa-resorts but Vilnius, Warsaw or Cracow are interesting in every part of the year.
The speakers might be diversed into few groups. The first one is the elite of Diplomats. They can find all mistakes from both sides fluently. It is safest and the most politically correct option. The next group are the experts who are sure that these are the costs which are paid by new democracies and defrosted nationalisms has gone thru changes in the direction of some new things. Another ones, are the group which do forgive and ask about forgiveness. There is also a group who are tolerant without any borders. In the end we can find some people who represent a bit from every group.
The best charters from that have journalists who are also experts. It happens because of their point of view does not matter what that point is. either way this point of view will be sold to the audience. Not everyone is able to see that this is only a game and even if there is anyone to see that what will he do?
Despite all of those differences, people of meetings and moderators are usually the same. It seems like there are not any people who care about the relationships and who would like fix them. Mischievous say that the wrong relationships can give the opportunity to earn some money and at least to be seen in medias.
Different options of the healers has its expound from the attitude against the Poles living in Lithuania. One thinks that they are crakers which should be crossed out in the name of better friendship with neighbors. The others think vice versa. Our relationships with Finland or Estonia would not be so good if we have not have those Poles. Despite that they are the subject of the conversations during the meetings the absence of them is not seen by any option.
Some dialect groups compete between them there are even imitate open letters, collect lists of advocacy and organize protests. The competition is very strong because all of the groups need money for leading its own groups. This reminds the answer of Radio Erywan for the question about the war in the future. He answered that there would not be a war it would just start the battle about the peace and there would not stay any stone.
Of course we take this with a grain of salt. For sure the contest of healers does not change anything because in the end those contests do nothing. Cepelins, cold sorrel soup, bigos, flaki with some national alcohol may be better in fixing relationships if they are used after the concrete work which leaves the right results. That’s why instead of establishing new committees which will do nothing but just talk. Let’s see what we can do about it when we work together . there are so many disciplines where we can help each other.
Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/opinie/opinie/boncza-zatroskani-stosunkami.d?id=59881453
Tłumaczenie Karolina Przybyło w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Karolina Przybyło the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.