

P.K. Brzostowski High School in Turgeliai – the next Polish high school

The next Polish school in Šalčininkai (in Polish: Soleczniki) region has been granted high school status. On Friday, the official inauguration of Paweł Ksawery Brzostowski High School in Turgeliai (in Polish: Turgiele)
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Silver-haired twenty-year-olds. Twenty years of the Polish University of the Third Age in Vilnius.

The Polish University of the Third Age in Vilnius celebrates the 20th jubilee of its existence. “We were the first in Lithuania” – proudly pointed out doc. Dr Ryszard Kuźmo.
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Poland towards Lithuania. Let the Big Brother calm down.

Poles in Lithuania vote either on “their own”, or “against” Lithuanians. An interview with publicist Aleksander Radczenko by Ewa Wołkanowska-Kołodziej. These are the lyrics of the unofficial anthem of the
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Good year for the Association of Polish Scholars in Lithuania

The representatives of the Association of Polish Scholars in Lithuania (SNLP) on Tuesday 6th of January held a small meeting in Cafe “Sakwa” in Vilnius. During this meeting they discussed the scientific
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Professor Henry Malewski: Minorities need elites

The Association of Polish Scholars of Lithuania (SNLP) aims to promote Science among Polish young people in Lithuania and encourage the most talented of its representatives to choose a scientific
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Henry Malewski: Polish minority has a problem with education

Any minority where there is no elite, including scientific elites, cannot exist – this statement comes from the President of the Association of Polish Academics in Lithuania, Prof. Henry Malewski during a
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The Christmas Eve meeting of retired teachers

The members of the Retired Teachers Club gathered in Polish Culture Centre to share Christmas wafer with their colleagues and wish them all the best: health, fortune, good mood and
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They will take care of the legal education of Lithuania’s citizens

Today in the Kazys Grinius Progimnazjum in Kaunas County, Juozas Bernatonis (Minister of Justice) and Dainius Pavalkis (Minister of Education and Science) signed a memorandum about the cooperation in the
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Katarzyna Kuckiewicz and Katarzyna Wołejko have won the oratorical contest

On Saturday, December 13th, the oratorical contest entitled ‘Pięknie opowiedzieć Ojczyznę’ (‘Telling beautifully about our homeland’) was held at the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (LEU) in Vilnius for the
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Winners of Polish language Olympiad honored by President Grybauskaite

The Presidential Palace in Vilnius were invited students who in 2014 won international awards contests and competitions in question. By long-standing tradition, President Dalia Grybauskaite personally congratulated the students and
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