

Jarosław Wołkonowski: We educate people that will find employment

Accreditation does not concern only primary and secondary schools. It must also be passed by higher education institutions. As it turns out – this year over 30 percent of the
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“My Wileńszczyzna and my Kresy” now in Vilnius

We are pleased to announce that our co-worker from Bydgoszcz, Krzysztof Jeremi Sidorkiewicz, has released his book “My Wileńszczyzna and my Kresy”. The book consists of the publications from Polish
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Polish President’s wife guests 19th Festival of the School Theatre

Association of Polish Schools` Teachers in Lithuania „Macierz Szkolna” (“School Mothercountry”) and Association of the School Theatre Fanciers (Towarzystwo Miłośników Teatrów Szkolnych) invited The First Lady Anna Komorowska to attend
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Branch of the Univeristy of Białystok successfully passed accreditation

Branch of the Univeristy of Białystok, out of 20 Lithuanian higher education institutions, successfully passed evaluation and accreditation. Accreditation was not obtained by such higher learning institutions as EHU, University
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Rudomino middle schools – which one is better?

‘There is no need to fear that a Polish school will be worse than a Lithuanian one’ – says Mariusz Palewicz, student of econometrics, who in his paper compared statistical
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Syrokomla School demands an immediate approval for accreditation

Wł. Syrokomla High School’s community claims that the school meets all the requirements to receive a junior high school status. Local authorities from the capital share this opinion. In December,
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Polish politicians support concerned parents in the Vilnius Region

During the last decade, in Lithuania dozens of Polish schools were closed down. Lithuanian authorities dealt with a portion of Polish elementary and primary schools.Currently, Lithuanian authorities turn to high
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Peace rally at the Ministry of Education and Science

Wł. Syrkomla High School in Vilnius, which celebrated its 60th anniversary last year, for the past few years have been striving to retain secondary school status with curriculum based on
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Kubilius and Kreivys in the Polish Debating Club. ‘The problem is that there are no

If Lithuanians had more knowledge of their own history, there would not be problem with the letter ‘W’ – claimed Andrius Kubilius and Dainius Kreivys, who were the guests of
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Dawidowicz and Błaszkiewicz in PKD: Polish school is more tolerant

Why did this discussion arise after 25 years of independence, why didn’t we meet earlier?” – these words said by Danuta Korkus from the Władysław Syrokomla High School in Vilnius
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