• October 22, 2014
  • 481

The results of the 20th edition of “The best school, the best teacher” Contest

1066 alumni graduated from Polish schools in Lithuania in 2014. 70,2 per cent were admitted to higher education in Lithuania and abroad. On the the basis of the results of the admission for the higher education studies and the results of Matura exam, the Association of Polish Schools’ Teachers in Lithuania Macierz Szkolna” created the ranking of high schools and gymnasiums. The best schools will be awarded at today’s celebration in the House of Polish Culture in Vilnius.

It will be the 20th edition of “The best school, the best teacher” Contest. The originator of the contest is Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Lithuania Dobiesław Rzemieniewski.

In the first editions, one factor on the basis of which the best schools were chosen was how many graduates were admitted to higher education studies. “At that stage, this number reflected the level of teaching in every school because at that time universities and colleges had entry examinations. Later, there were changed in the education system and state examinations appeared. Universities and colleges started to admit students on the basis of those examinations and grade average at High School Graduation Certificate. As a result of this, there are also changed in the rules of our Contest. In the 20th edition, we took 13 factors into consideration,” said Józef Kwiatkowski the member of Lithuanian Parliament and the chairman of the Association of Polish Schools’ Teachers in Lithuania Macierz Szkolna”.

An influential weekly Lithuanian magazine “Veidas” has also started to create a ranking of schools but on the scale of the whole country and 10 years later that “Macierz Szkolna”. In the opinion of Józef Kwiatkowski, it shows that the idea of school ranking was good. “Our ranking gives schools the possibility to assess their own achievements, compare their results with other schools and stimulates competition. Moreover, our competition forces schools to get interested in the life of their former students,” said Józef Kwiatkowski in the conversation with Wilnoteka.

“Through years, we observe that some schools are always at the top of the ranking and some are at the bottom every year. Sometimes, there is a worse year of high school graduates. The results of a school are also connected with its localisation and social status of the families of students. Nevertheless, the work of the teachers is decisive,” said J. Kwiatkowski.

This year schools were assessed on the basis of such criteria like the number of high school graduates that took state examinations and the number of passed examinations and their results. The results of mathematics, history and foreign languages were taken into account. An important criteria was the examination in native language. It is not an obligatory examination at Lithuanian Matura but it is taken in the majority of schools by the majority of people who take Matura. In Vilnius, among 441 people who took Matura only 3 did not pass Polish language. In Vilnius District Municipality, 280 people took Matura and all took Polish language examination.

Another criteria that decided about the position of a school in ranking was the percentage of graduates who were admitted to higher education studies. Schools in Vilnius had much more better results than district schools. In Vilnius this year, around 90 per cent high school graduates were admitted to higher education studies. In Vilnius District Municipality, it was 60 per cent and it was even fewer in other districts with Polish schools. 70 per cent of graduates of Polish high schools were admitted to higher education studies. In 2008, it was 79 per cent.

The results of the state examination in Lithuanian language were worse than in 2013. Last year, people taking Matura exam had some credit and this year students of minority schools were taking exam in Lithuanian under the same rules as the students at Lithuanian schools. Only a few students got the highest number of points: between 96 and 100.

Józef Kwiatkowski noticed the fact that student have the worst results in history and mathematics. “History is one of the most popular subjects at Matura examination and only three students got 90-100 points. I suppose that students had to devote more time to the preparation for Lithuanian language examination at the expense of other subjects. History and mathematics were . In addition, the reason for low results is also the lack of new textbook for 11-12 grades and the fact that there is the lack of systematising in the curriculum,” said J. Kwiatkowski.

This year, at the top of the ranking of Polish schools in Lithuania are: Adam Mickiewicz Gymnasium in VilniusWładysław Syrokomla High School in VilniusJohn Paul II Gymnasium in Vilnius, Józef Ignacy Kraszewski Gymnasium in VilniusGymnasium in Avižieniai (Vilnius Region), St. Kazimierz High School in Medininkai (Vilnius Region), High School in Mickūnai (Vilnius Region), Michała Baliński Gymnasium in Jašiūnai(Šalčininkai District Municipality), Eliza Orzeszkowa High School in Baltoji Vokė (Šalčininkai District Municipality), Anna Krepsztul Gymnasium in Butrimonys (Šalčininkai District Municipality), Konstanty Parczewski Gymnasium in Nemenčinė (Vilnius Region),  Jan Śniadecki Gymnasium in Šalčininkai (Šalčininkai District Municipality),  Henryk Sienkiewicz High School in Lentvaris (Trakai District Municipality ).

The Association of Polish Schools’ Teachers in Lithuania Macierz Szkolna” have also honoured the best primary schools. Two factors also decided about the position in the ranking: how many students after 10 grade continues education in high school and how many of students who graduated from primary school two years ago, passed Matura this year. During the today’s celebration of the 20th edition of “The best school, the best teacher” Contest, around 80 teachers of Polish, Lithuanian, foreign languages, mathematics, history and other subjects will get awards.

Based on own information.

The detailed list of school laureates:

The best school in Vilnius:
A. Mickiewicz Gymnasium in Vilnius

The best school of district cities:
K. Parczewski Gymnasium in Nemenčinė (Vilnius Region)

The best school in Vilnius Region:
Gymnasium in Avižieniai

The best school in Šalčininkai District Municipality:
M. Baliński Gymnasium in Jašiūnai

Schools that received a honorary mention:
Schools in Vilnius
1. Wł. Syrokomla High School in Vilnius
2. John Paul II Gymnasium in Vilnius
3. J.I. Kraszewski Gymnasium in Vilnius

Schools of capital cities of districts:
J. Śniadecki Gymnasium in Šalčininkai
H. Sienkiewicz High School in Lentvaris (Trakai District Municipality )

District Schools:
St. Kazimierz High School in Medininkai (Vilnius Region)
High School in Mickūnai (Vilnius Region)
E. Orzeszkowa High School in Baltoji Vokė (Šalčininkai District Municipality)
A. Krepsztul Gymnasium in Butrimonys (Šalčininkai District Municipality)
the priest J.Obrembski Gymnasium in Maišiagala (Vilnius Region)

John Paul II Progymnasium in Vilnius
Basic Polish section High School in Jeruzalė in Vilnius
Cz. Miłosz Primary School in Pakenė (Vilnius Region)
Primary School in Mostiškės (Vilnius Region)
Primary School in Riešė (Vilnius Region)
Primary School in Pabarė (Šalčininkai District Municipality)
A. Stelmachowski Primary School in Senieji Trakai (Trakai District Municipality)

Schools that received a honorary mention for being active in competitions and contests organised by Polska Macierz Szkolna (the Polish Educational Society) in Lithuania and for 1st-3rd ranks in republican competitions and contests and abroad:
John Paul II Progymnasium in Vilnius
Primary School in Mostiškės (Vilnius Region)
J. I. Kraszewski Gymnasium in Vilnius
A. Mickiewicz Gymnasium in Vilnius
High School in Mickūnai (Vilnius Region)
J. Śniadecki Gymnasium in Šalčininkai

Special honorary mentions for the activity at events at schools in Vilnius organised by Polska Macierz Szkolna (the Polish Educational Society) in Lithuania
High School in Lazdynai (Vilnius)

Special honorary mentions for the activity at events at district schools organised by Polska Macierz Szkolna (the Polish Educational Society) in Lithuania
Gymnasium in Eišiškės (Šalčininkai District Municipality)

Danuta Korkus, Wł. Syrokomla High School in Vilnius
Elwira Bielawska, A. Mickiewicz Gymnasium in Vilnius
Lucyna Jaglińska, Sz. Konarski High School in Vilnius
Mirena Narkun, J. Lelewel High School in Vilnius
Waleria Tomaszun, the priest J. Obrembski Gymnasium in Maišiagala
Lilia Wojciechowska, Gymnasium in Avižieniai
Bożena Bieleninik, St. R. Kalinowski Gymnasium in Nemėžis
Irena Szulska, High School in Buivydžiai
Maria Palul, A. Krepsztul Gymnasium in Butrimonys
Bożena Bandalewicz, J. Śniadecki Gymnasium in Šalčininkai
Janina Kuryło, M. Baliński Gymnasium in Jašiūnai

English language:
Olga Nowicka, J. I. Kraszewski Gymnasium in Vilnius
Tatjana Kałasznik, A. Mickiewicz Gymnasium in Vilnius
Eduard Iwiński, Wł. Syrokomla High School in Vilnius
Natalja Tiurnina, High School in Mickūnai
Anna Goranina, F. Ruszczyc Gymnasium in Rudaminos
Jelena Tumińska, K. Parczewski Gymnasium in Nemenčinė

Russian language:
Halina Untanienė, Wł. Syrokomla High School in Vilnius
Genoefa Paszkiewicz, J. I. Kraszewski Gymnasium in Vilnius
Alicja Wereszczak, John Paul II Gymnasium in Vilnius
Nijolia Petkuvienė, J. Lelewel High School in Vilnius
Renata Wojtechowska, St. U. Ledóchowska Gymnasium in Juodšiliai
Halina Zieniewicz, High School in Rukainių seniūnija
Alia Lebiedewa, High School in Mickūnai
Teresa Jasiukiewicz, High School St. Kazimierza in Medininkai
Łucja Szuszkiewicz, J. Śniadecki Gymnasium in Šalčininkai
Danuta Anichowska, A. Mickiewicz High School in Dieveniškės
Danuta Jermałowicz, E. Orzeszkowa High School in Baltoji Vokė

Lithuanian language:
Halina Stankevič-Mordas, A. Mickiewicz Gymnasium in Vilnius
Lilia Aleksandrovič, Wł. Syrokomla High School in Vilnius
Regina Buzienė, Gymnasium in Avižieniai (Vilnius Region)
Nadežda Maslauskaitė, St. Kazimierz High School in Medininkai (Vilnius Region)
Oksana Aleknavičius, High School in Rukainių seniūnija
Janina Litvin, High School in Buivydžiai
Danguolė Vasiliauskienė, High School in Trakai
Alė Matusevič, H. Sienkiewicz High School in Lentvaris
Lucija Mickevič-Ozarovska, M. Baliński Gymnasium in Jašiūnai
Svetlana Valiukienė, Gymnasium in Eišiškės

Czesław Malewski, A. Mickiewicz Gymnasium in Vilnius
Maria Narkiewicz, Wł. Syrokomla High School in Vilnius
Rasa Jachimavičienė, High School in Rukainių seniūnija
Wida Borkowska, K. Parczewski Gymnasium in Nemenčinė
Wiesława Malewska, St. Kazimierz High School in Medininkai
Krystyna Karpicz, M. Baliński Gymnasium in Jašiūnai
Anna Nester, J. Śniadecki Gymnasium in Šalčininkai

Eugenia Pietrowicz, A. Mickiewicz Gymnasium in Vilnius
Anna Wankiewicz, John Paul II Gymnasium in Vilnius
Ala Wakar, High School in Grigiškės
Halina Zimińska, J. Lelewel High School in Vilnius
Wioleta Kerbed, J. I. Kraszewski Gymnasium in Vilnius
Maria Kwiecień, Gymnasium in Avižieniai
Danuta Aluk, the priest J. Obrembski Gymnasium in Maišiagala
Janina Bujko, M. Baliński Gymnasium in Jašiūnai
Irena Świglińska, J. Śniadecki Gymnasium in Šalčininkai
Raisa Nowickaja, A. Krepsztul Gymnasium in Butrimonys
Alicja Wołkowa, H. Sienkiewicz High School in Lentvaris
Alina Saszenko, Gymnasium in Radiškė

Ewa Walma, John Paul II Gymnasium in Vilnius
Honorata Romanowska, Sz. Konarski High School in Vilnius
Danuta Mureikienė, J. Śniadecki Gymnasium in Šalčininkai
Irena Bogdziewicz, E. Orzeszkowa High School in Baltoji Vokė
Žana Bogdzevičienė, Gymnasium in Eišiškės
Jelena Andrijauskienė, “Żejmian” Gymnasium in Pabradė

Bożena Korwin-Piotrowska, John Paul II Gymnasium in Vilnius
Paweł Stankiewicz, J. I. Kraszewski Gymnasium in Vilnius
Franciszek Żeromski, H. Sienkiewicz High School in Lentvaris
Grażyna Giedrojć, A. Mickiewicz High School in Dieveniškės

Diana Markiewicz, High School in Łazdinai – theater instructor
Romuald Sztura, Sz. Konarski High School in Vilnius – physical education
Jelena Szapiro, K. Parczewski Gymnasium in Nemenčinė – geography
Wiera Wajdak, F. Ruszczyc Gymnasium in Rudaminos – physical education
Iwan Pechockij, St. U. Ledóchowska Gymnasium in Juodšiliai – physical education
Beata Sztorc, Gymnasium in Eišiškės – religion
Barbara Rodziewicz, A. Krepsztul Gymnasium in Butrimonys – the teacher of 1 to 3 grades
Edmundas Naradovskis, E. Orzeszkowa High School in Baltoji Vokė – physical education

Ilona Jakštienė, Progymnasium John Paul II in Vilnius – a Lithuanist
ZbignieinRynkiewicz, John Paul II Progymnasium in Vilnius – a mathematician
Regina Danowska, Basic Polish section High School in Jeruzalė in Vilnius – a Polonist
Irena Korwiel, Cz.Miłosz Primary School in Pakenė – the teacher of 1 to 3 grades
Jerzy Lewko, Primary School in Mostiškės – physical education, trainer
Bożena Gieglis, Primary School in Riešė – the teacher of 1 to 3 grades
Oksana Basłyk, Primary School in Pabarė – an Anglist
Romuald Grzybowski – A. Stelmachowski Primary School in Senieji Trakai – a physicist
Lila Kieras, A. Stelmachowski Primary School in Senieji Trakai, a musician and geographer

Teresa Dzierżyńska, the teacher at Sz. Konarski High School in Vilnius
Halina Gołoburdo, the teacher at John Paul II Gymnasium in Vilnius
Regina Lewicka, the teacher at Wł. Syrokomla High School in Vilnius
Bożena Nadzeras, the teacher at A. Mickiewicz Gymnasium in Vilnius
Alicja Pieślak, the teacher at “Żejmian” Gymnasium in Pabradė,

Zofia Ryżowa, the deputy manager of the Department of Education of the local government in Vilnius District Municipality
Janina Soltanovičienė, the head teacher of Primary School in Kyviškės
Janina Stacewicz, the deputy head teacher of Gymnasium in Avižieniai
Maria Suszczyńska, the deputy head teacher of High School in Trakai
Robert Śliżewski, the head teacher of Gymnasium in Eišiškės
Wiesława Wojnicz, the head teacher of J. Słowackieg High School in Bezdonys
Irena Wolska, the head teacher of J. Śniadecki Gymnasium in Šalčininkai
Janina Wysocka, the head teacher of John Paul II Progymnasium in Vilnius
Genowefa Żegaris, Polonist at St. Kazimierz High School in Medininkai

Translated by Marta Wojtowicz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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