• July 25, 2014
  • 480

Before the beginning of the new school year – a glance at renovations of educational institutions in the region

Each year in September we glance at the educational institutions: how are they changing, how are they preparing to enrol new students and welcome the new school year. Before the school year will begin in September may educational institutions in the Vilnius region will be renovated. After the renovation works the buildings appearance will be bettered, heating consumption will be reduced, better teaching and working conditions for the teachers and the staff working in school will be created, the community’s social well-being and other qualitative criteria will improve.

One of the educational institutions being under renovation is the Urszula Ledóchowska Secondary School in Juodšiliai, at which the construction and renovation works are successfully continued. The total value of these works exceeds 4.3 million Lithuanian litai. The construction of the new school canteen building is nearing its end, the old four-storey building is being renovated now and a new sports hall is under construction (currently the bricks are laid). The works are conducted by ZSA ‘Eiresta’. According to plan the overhaul will be completed before the 1st September and the construction of the sports hall at the beginning of 2015.

ZSA ‘Altitudė’ conducts renovation works in the Ferdynand Ruszczyc Gymnasium in Rudamina. The value of the project exceeds 1.4 million Lithuanian litai. The plan foresees that the works should be completed by November 15 2014. The renovation of the classrooms in the gymnasium building has also been planned, but firstly the contractor must be chosen.

Recently new furniture and indispensable equipment have been bought for the Secondary School in Eliszki. Modernisation works has been planned as well: building a sports ground, fencing the school area and building an extension to the school.

There will be changes also in the Gymnasium in Pagiriai – the multilingual educational institution which promotes citizenship and culture of ethnic communities and enables teaching in Lithuanian, Polish and Russian language. The renovation works worth half a million Lithuanian litai will be conducted in the classrooms in the gymnasium building.

There are plans to build a boiler room for a biofuel boiler (value of the project is about 350 thousand Lithuanian litai). So far the school building was heated by stoves fired with coal which emitted CO2 into the atmosphere increasing environmental pollution and required considerable costs because of inefficient use of coal. When the biofuel boiler will be installed the school will pay the lowest possible heating costs, the pollution will be minimized and thereby the community will benefit from it.

We can be pleased that the renovation works in the Gymnasium in Avižieniai have been completed. Replacement of windows, insulation of outside walls, roof and floor on the first floor and an overhaul of the sports hall were financed by the project “Renovation of the building of the Secondary School in Avižieniai” (now gymnasium). The renovated sports hall will inspire the male and female sports team of the school, which has deep-rooted volleyball tradition, to win even greater victories. Currently procedures to determine if the building is suitable for use are in progress. The value of the complete project is about 4 million Lithuanian litai, half of which was funded by the local government of the Vilnius District Municipality.

The small citizens of the Vilnius region will soon be pleased with the renovated buildings of the pre-school educational institutions. It is expected that after the renovation of the classrooms and the equipment of the nursery school, the educational environment will improve, there will be a possibility to enrol more children and the teaching staff will provide even more diverse education activities. Now the Nursery School in Rukainiai is undergoing modernisation works, the roofing is being changed, the outside walls are being insulated and refurbished, geothermal heating is being installed, electrical works are being performed, water supply and sewage collection systems are being constructed and ventilation system is being fitted. According to plan the necessary works will be completed before the beginning of September and the final works by November 2014. The project implementation costs 800 thousand Lithuanian litai.

The renovation works started this year also in the Nursery School in Medininkai – the roof will be replaced, the geothermal heating will be installed and the walls will be refurbished. When the works are completed, the local government is going to modernize public buildings and thereby reduce the energy costs. After the project’s implementation the energy efficiency will increase and the heating costs will be considerably smaller. The cost of the project is 600 thousand Lithuanian litai.

The Nursery School in Mostiškės is undergoing similar renovation works. In the course of the project implementation the walls will be insulated, the roof will be replaced, the hydraulic and sewage systems will be refurbished and geothermal heating will be installed. The project costs about one million Lithuanian litai.

We can be pleased that construction works of the new nursery school in Sudervė have started. The estimated value of the Project is 5.1 million Lithuanian litai. The works conducted by ‘Mūras’ are planned to be completed within two years. More than 50 children from the Vilnius region will attend this modern nursery school.

Every adult and every child eagerly awaits the moment when they could enter the renovated educational institutions and successfully begin the new year, being not only relaxed and full of energy, but also prepared for new challenges.

Photo 1: the Nursery School in Mostiškės

Photo 2: the Nursery School and School in Medininkai

Translated by Maciej Jóźwiak within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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