- July 25, 2014
- 556
5th graduation ceremony with diplomas with the crowned Eagle on the Vilnius branch of the University of Białystok

Black gowns, red and yellow sashes, mortarboards with tassels, excitement – on 25th July 2014 for the 5th time, which was at the same time a mini-jubilee, the graduates of economics and computer science left the Vilnius Branch of the University of Białystok. On this day the authorities of the Vilnius Branch of the University of Białystok conducted a formal graduation ceremony for 46 students of computer studies and economics.
After having received the diploma one should throw their mortarboard as high in the air as they can – for good fortune! – photo. Marian Paluszkiewicz
The Vilnius Branch of the University of Bialystok is the only university abroad which offers computer science and economics studies in Polish. During the 8 years of its activity in Lithuania 361 students altogether have graduated it.
Dignified guests honoured the graduation ceremony with their presence: dr hab. Dariusz Kijowski, prorector of the University of Białystok, Stanisław Cygnarowski – consul general of the Polish embassy in Vilnius, Małgorzata Kasner, director of the Polish Institute in Vilnius, Michał Mackiewicz, member of the Seimas in Lithuania, chairman of the Association of Poles in Lithuania, Józef Kwiatkowski, member of the Seimas in Lithuania, chairman of the Association of Teachers in Polish Schools in Lithuania “School Board” and Vitalijus Besakirskas, advisor of the maire of the Vilnius local government.
— Three years ago you begun at our university studies, which required a lot of effort – said the dean of the Faculty of Economics and Computer Science of the Vilnius Branch of University of Białystok, dr hab. Jarosław Wołkonowski to the graduates. Higher education, the diploma that you will receive today – with the crowned Eagle on the cover – will grant you a basis for your future carriers.
The graduates of the Vilnius Branch of the University of Białystok from the previous years are already working in various fields: they have their own companies, stores, they work in logistics or marketing companies, are white-collar workers, executives, directors of departments. Others work as accountants, managers, which shows their creativity and resourcefulness.
Just as dr hab. Jarosław Wołkonowski said, also talented IT specialists, who are the creators of their own programs, used by the mobile telephony, are among this year’s graduates, the economists are already working in different companies, some of them are running their own enterprises.
The prorector of the University of Białystok, dr hab. Dariusz Kijowski informed the numerously gathered people that a couple of days before, on 23rd July, by means of the decision of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland, a clearance to run the second-cycle programme of study (MA) for economics has been granted to the Vilnius Branch of the University of Białystok, which in reality means the availability of the postgraduate studies.
— We are hoping that the authorities of Lithuania will accept this undertaking and that it will be undoubtedly a significant step and a good perspective for the graduates – said dr hab. Dariusz Kijowski.
— There is a a lot of interest given to such form of studies, because about 100 of our graduates have submitted a declaration that they are willing to start the postgraduate course at our university – said the dean of the faculty Jarosław Wołkonowski to “Kurier”. – Now the Lithuanian side, so the Centre for Quality Assessment of Studies, has to issue a similar clearance, and then it has to be issued by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. We are hoping that we will make it till the end of September and the studies will be activated in October.
— I am very happy that I got my higher education here! – said this year’s graduate Grażyna Pożarycka who has already found employment in IT and marketing in a private company. – Here are excellent lecturers, fantastic colleagues, I feel that the knowledge that I have acquired will prove useful in my professional life. During those 3 years of education we had a lot of programming, mathematics and various additional classes. Some of the students from my year have already found employment, some of them went on traineeship programmes to Poland, some are still looking for job.
A diploma with the crowned Eagle is a chance for a successful carrier photo. Marian Paluszkiewicz
Altogether during the years 2013-2014 114 students studied economics in the third year and 44 computer science.
— 36 student of economics and 10 of computer science defended their diploma theses at the first attempt. The rest of the student rescheduled their thesis defence for September because of various reasons. Their have a right to it and their reasons: some went on a 3 month traineeship programme to Podlasie, some want to work on the theses a little more – said dr hab. Jarosław Wołkonowski.
This year is special because of the fact that there are more diplomas with distinctions.
— Last year only one of our students got a distinction, this year we have five of them! – the dean rejoiced.
Traditionally, after having received your diploma, you have to move your mortarboard’s tassel from right to left – for good fortune. And to give vent to your happiness by throwing your mortarboard as high in the air as you can!
The first round of admissions on the Lithuanian system LAMA BPO has ended at the exact same day. “ More people willing to study have registered this year: 140 for economics, 80 for computer studies – said the dean Jarosław Wołkonowski. — 44 candidates listed our university as their first choice – this is 15 percent more compared with the last year”
Translated by Alicja Dudzik within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.