• July 15, 2014
  • 547

Artistic summer in Sołeczniki

The youth of Soleczniki  has the opportunity to spend their summer holidays actively and usefully. At the beginning of July took place a workshop theater “Teatroterapia”, and at the end of July will be held the next – already 11tth – edition of the summer school of art.

Theatre Workshop “Teatroterapia” was attended by 16 people aged between 16 and 29 years old. There were young people of Poland and Lithuania, therefore, classes were held in Polish and Lithuanian, and were held by Director from Poland Agnieszka Chlebowska and Lithuanian actress Virginija Kuklytė.

Class participants learn various techniques of acting, attitude on stage, the interpretation of poems, participated in games and theatrical activities, were practicing elocution.

Theatre workshops in the cultural center in Sołeczniki was held on the initiative of acting in the youth organization “new wave” in Sołeczniki region and the Coordinator for youth in The Sołeczniki Municipality Katarzyna Gryniewicz.

on July 21, in the cultural centre in Sołeczniki begin classes of the summer art school. Artist painter from Gdansk Anna Szpadzińska-Koss will spend with children and young people in Sołeczniki, Janczuny and Kamionka 10 busy days.

Every year-and this will be the 11th edition of the summer art school-Anna Szpadzińska-Koss invents for her participants a different topic, customizing the program to the age of participants, combining theoretical knowledge with the history of art with learning about the various techniques of Visual Arts. In recent years, participants have come to know, inter alia, the Mayan culture, the art of the Celts, contemporary art, symbols and myths in art.

This year the theme of the workshop is “the land and the legendary”. Class participants will learn what are the spatial forms, stafage, cosmogonies,, hanging gardens of Babylon, learn about characters from legends, such as dragons, elves, dwarves, Druids.

Artistic summer school will end with the opening in the cultural centre in Sołeczniki.

On the basis of: salcininkai.lt, salcininkaikultura.lt, info on.

Translated by Ewelina Filonik within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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