• July 3, 2014
  • 561

The idea of the Jaszuny Museum has been discussed

The renovation activities, already lasting for over a year, are to be completed in 2015, but the administration officers  of the Soleczniki local government, led by the administrative director Józef Rybak, start to ponder upon the fates of the museum even today.

Within the framework of a project, in the currently renovated buiding, there is going to appear i.a. An interactive museum commemorating the former owners of the mansion- Baliński and Śniadecki families. In order to discuss the idea of the future museum in Jaszuny, there was a meeting of  the working group comprising, apart from the administration officers and the district head of Jaszuny- Zofia Griaznowa, several representatives of the Vilnius University: the director of the Musicology Department-Rimvydas Lauzikas, Ph.D. , the director of the Strategical Development Department- Algimantas Lipinatis, prodean of the History Department-Salvijus Kulevicius, Ph. D. , and Ausra Kuzminskaite- the employee of the Strategical Development Department. After three-hour long consultations, the objectives of the idea as well as further steps were discussed in detail. According to the reached agreement, the designed museum was to mirror, by means of its themes and form, everyday, scientific and political life of the most renowned individuals of the period- Jan and Andrzej Śniadecki, Michał Baliński and exquisite guests of the palace- i.a. Juliusz Słowacki. The next assembly of the working group is planned in August. Then, the working group’s members will focus on selecting particular topics for the constant exhibition of the museum and the interior arrangement of the venue.

Information of the Soleczniki Local Government’s Board

Translated by Katarzyna Piskorz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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