• June 5, 2014
  • 520

The Wall of Photos in “Ostra Brama”. Competition

Organizatorių nuotr.

The subject of the competition is a commemorative wall of photos in honour of 70th anniversary of Operation ” Ostra Brama “, named also Vilnius Uprising (July 7-15). The task of participants is to present their own vision of insurgents, soldiers of Home Army or Vilnius population – as the photo wall, using which it is possible to  “be incarnated ” in their heros. The picture will be placed on the official site of Vilnius Patriotic Youth (Wileńska Młodzież Patriotyczna) on Facebook and also on the portal PL DELFI.

The wall of photos – is a construction made from plywood, cardboard or other rigid material, presenting a picture and having holes on one side so that people standing on other side can advance their faces in the hole and as a result, become “incarnated ” in a figure presented on the construction.


The subject of the competition is a commemorative wall of photos in honour of 70th anniversary of Operation ” Ostra Brama “, named also Vilnius Uprising (July 7-15). The task of participants is to present their own vision of insurgents, soldiers of Home Army or Vilnius population – as the wall of photos, using which it is possible to  “be incarnated ” in their heros.

Each command taking part in the competition must take the picture of their own wall and send it to Vilnius Patriotic Youth, later teams have to deliver prepared wall of photos and present them in Polish Cultural center in Vilnius.

Maximal size of the photo wall is 2×2 meters.

Example of the photo wall


  • In the competition can participate either a single person or a team (no more than 5 members), aged over 16 years;
  • Each team can send only one photo of their wall on address wilnomp@gmail.com or via private message on Facebook;
  • Application must include team name and names and last names of members, photo of wall and its name;
  • Picture will be placed on the official site of Vilnius Patriotic Youth on Facebook;
  • The technique of work is arbitrary;
  • Work must reflect the topic of competition “Operation ‘Ostra Brama’ “;
  • A photo wall can be also on a patriotic topic (e.g. “White-red family” „Biało-czerwona rodzina”);
  • The winning work will be chosen by VPY (WMP) taking into account the amount of ‘likes’, put on the picture on Facebook (50% of valuation – the amount of ‘likes’, 50% – marks of VPY).


The term of sending works ends on June 24, 2014.

The results of the competition will be published on June 27 on the official site of VPY on Facebook and in newspapers.

Prizes will be awarded to the winners of the contest during the final which will be held in room 005  in the Polish Cultural center on June 28 at 5 p.m..


1 place – trip to Wroclaw in artistic workshops (5 seats – for one team) on July 1-11.

2 place – tickets to the cinema on a selected film for whole team and other souvenirs

3 place – snacks for whole command and other souvenirs

There will be also consolation prizes for all contestants!


Member of Association of Poles in Lithuania Vilnius Patriotic Youth

Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/kultura/kultura/fotoscianka-ostra-brama-konkurs.d?id=64964593

Tłumaczenie by Diana Doniczenko w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Diana Doniczenko within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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