- March 15, 2013
- 427
Saint Casimir – help us to persist in faith of our fathers

The Patron’s Day is the most important holiday of the comprehensive school named Saint Casimir in Miedniki. It is celebrated each year on the 4th day of March. It is a big holiday of the whole school and parish communities.
Having a saint patron is not only our reason to be proud but also the commitment and inspiration to follow. The Patron is someone who is a role model, who helps us to determine our aims in life and, what is the more important, it is a person who strengthens our faith. Saint Casimir is an ideal example of deep and true faith. We believe that now he intercedes on our behalf to the God in all matters which we bring to him through our prayers. During the reign of Casimir Jagiellon, Miedniki was a place of summer destination for a king. Thus, the patronal feast is also an opportunity to recall the history of our city which we strongly respected.
In the Year of Faith we celebrated Patron’s Day in a special way, under the banner of “Saint Casimir – help us to persist in faith of our fathers”. The whole school community at 9 am took part in a solemn Mass in nearby parish church of Saint Casimir. The Mass were celebrated by the pastor Jarosław Rekwardt OFM and by the pastor from Ciachanowiec – Tadeusz Kryński. The priest Tadeusz delivered a homily in which he said, in a simple way, the history of Miedniki and of the people who are important for the community in this region. Our pupils were also active during the Mass. After this Mass we recited the Litany to the Saint Casimir and we received a special blessing of the relics of St. Casimir.
After the Mass pupils, teachers, parents and guests went to the school for the second part of the holiday – art events. All started with the concert of the school choir. The headmaster of the school – Mieczysława Pietkiwicz – welcomed the school community and the guests which went there to celebrate the holiday of Patron’s Day. That day we had many guests who represents both the church and the politics: the priest Jarosław Rekwardt OFM, local councilor of Vilnius region Lech Leonowicz, the county mayor of Miednicka community Renata Bogadanowicz. There were also some guests from Poland: Mayor of the city Ciachanowiec Mirosław Reczko, the priest from Ciechanowiec parish Tadeusz Kryński and the actors from children’s theatre “Ławeczka Dziadeczka” Piotr i Edyta Rybakowie from Katowice. On the ceremony there were also school senior-teachers and parents. In headmaster’s speech, Mieczysława Pietkiewicz emphasized the uniqueness of that day. Although it is celebrated once again it still has some value in itself. It is happiness, pride, experience, and above all, a great responsibility for ourselves, others and the school.
All people gathered in the hall became witnesses to an unusual performance “O świętym Kazimierzu i świętym Andrzeju Boboli” (“About saint Casimir and saint Andrew Bobola”) made by the theatre “Ławeczka dziadeczka” from Katowice. Both actors Piotr and Edyta Rybakowie in a remarkable way showed the history of Saint Casimir, the Patron of Poland and Lithuania. During his short life, Saint Casimir travels through Hungary, Poland and Lithuania in order to find what is the most important value. He discovers his calling and keeps fidelity even at the cost of his life. The second part of the performance was aimed to show the funny story of the Holy Spirit who portrayed to the Saint Anderw Boboli – the priest from a small, rural parish. Both performance showed the history about holiness in a serious and humorous way. The performances were interesting, informative and, what is the most important, for a moment we all feel like in a real theatre.
On that day, the individual students and classes were awarded for the best academic results and perfect attendance. The students who were the best at the competition about the knowledge of Saint Casimir “Nasz Patron pomaga mi osiągnąć świętość” (“Our Patron helps me to be a saint”) were also awarded.
The headmaster of the school warmly thanked to the guests for their presence at the festival and gave thanks to the individuals and to the institutions that support the school. With a great emotion she expressed her gratitude to the teenagers and all the people who contributed to the preparation of Patron’s Day. The Mayor of the city Ciechanowiec Mirosław Reczko, the local councilor of Vilnius region Lech Leonowicz and the county mayor of Miedniki community Renata Bogdanowicz also added few words. The guests thanked for the opportunity to participate in the ceremony and wished further fruitful work and success in the development of the younger generation.
After the ceremony, everyone was invited to the “kiermasz Kaziukowy” (the place where you can buy different thing made by people itself, for instance folk crafts) that was prepared by the students and teachers from our school on the occasion of the parish festival.
Patron’s Day celebrations are of a great importance to the whole school and parish communities. It strengthens the sense of unity and responsibility in us. It builds our faith and encourages us to live according to the Christian values. It is a proof that Saint Casimir lives in our hearts and intercedes for us.
Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/03/15/swiety-kazimierzu-abysmy-w-wierze-naszych-ojcow-trwali/
Tłumaczenie Diana Omiljaniuk w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Diana Omiljaniuk within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.