- March 11, 2013
- 457
E.T. Grzeszczak: The assembly is designed to resolve cases
The Polish-Lithuanian Assembly of Deputies will resume work later this year and give another evidence of the “rese” in relations between Vilnius and Warsaw, but also it must be well prepared, “not to be held only in order to be held” – that is the way that Deputy Speaker of Polish Parliament Eugeniusz T. Grzeszczak summed up his visit to Lithuania in a conversation with “Wilnoteka”. The arrival of the delegation of the Polish Parliament on March 11th celebration was symbolic, of course – except for visitors from Poland, only one foreign delegation arrived to Vilnius. It was the Finnish Parliament (Eduskunta) and its chairman Eero Heinäluoma.
Polish MPs visit was to prepare the ground for the upcoming visit of the Lithuanian Parliament Marshal in Poland and the Bureau of the Assembly meeting, also in Warsaw. Although Lithuanians expected that, as part of the “reset”, on March 11th they would play host to the Polish Sejm Speaker, Ewa Kopacz, in Vilnius, apparently the Polish side treats spring “thaw” in bilateral relations with reserve, and provides an opportunity to demonstrate the Lithuanian real, and not declared good will in just beginning parliamentary session. Poland, as everybody knows, has had faith in Lithuanian declarations for nearly 20 years, before finally became convinced that these are empty promises, which led to freezing of political relations. Polish politicians at all levels have consistently adopted the principle that they will happily dust off the historic brotherhood with Lithuania, if on Lithuanian side deeds follow the words.
The announcement of the resumption of works of the Polish-Lithuanian Parliamentary Assembly seems to be another flash of optimism, hope, or another loan of confidence on the side of Warsaw, after all, it was a sincere attempt to clarify the relationship between Vilnius and Warsaw, initiated in a parliamentary forum, what led to the cooling in mutual relations. Perhaps this is also another sign of Polish good will, designed to alleviate the tension between the neighbors in the context of the forthcoming Lithuanian presidency in the EU Council.
In one respect, Eugeniusz Grzeszczak’s visit will go down in history: that is the first time when the Deputy Speaker of the Sejm was officially welcomed in the Polish parliamentary club (called the parliamentary faction) in Lithuanian Parliament. The meeting with Polish members took place shortly after the talks with the President of the Lithuanian parliament, Vydas Gedvilas. Crossing the modest thresholds of AWPL seat, it was difficult to avoid a comparison with the conditions under which the club operates, or in the case of the Deputy Speaker – PSL Club…
Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/tresc/et-grzeszczak-zgromadzenie-ma-sluzyc-zalatwianiu-spraw
Tłumaczenie Agnieszka Wiecheć w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Agnieszka Wiecheć within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.