- November 22, 2012
- 365
Banner for the school dedicated to Marian Zdziechowski in Suderewo
Another school in Vilnius has its little holiday to celebrate. Today on 23rd of November the banner of school is being expend with celebration. The background of the banner is green, which is supposed to symbolize hope. The foreground of the banner has open book, burning muzzle and writing pen. On the reverse of it, there is sewed sentence, which says ” Elementary school dedicated to Marian Zdziechowski in Suderewo”.
School is situated next to the street of Marian Zdziechowski nr 1. On the facade of the school there is an information board with the name of professor in Polish and Lithuanian language. Suderwa is probably the only one city where a street has its name of the remarkable professor. He was slavist, history philosopher and literature historian. Also, he was a professor of the Jagiellonian University since 1919 till 1932 and at the University of Stefan Batory in Vilnius. He was a rector of the University in Vilnius since 1925 till 1927.
In a prophetic inspiration Mr. Marian Zdziechowski made provision for the victory of communism over the Nazism when no one believed it. In opinion of Zdziechowski, this victory were supposed to end the long term inward sovietization of Poland.
The school has its patronage since 2006 year and members of the school honor faithfully its name and collect materials about Mr. Marian Zdziechowski for the hall of memory. Also, students and other workers of the school clean grave on the Antokolski cemetery in Vilnius.
Teresa Młyńska has been a director of the elementary school in Suderewo for fourteen years. Elementary school co-operates with the school with classes of 1 – 8 in Rostyniane. There are 30 teachers together.95 students is learned in Suderew and 38 in Rostyniany. There are eight first graders at the elementary school and tenth graders are thirteen. Mrs. Teresa Młynska the director of the school is happy that the demographic low do not affects her school. The number of students seems to be on the same level. Children are coming to school by bus from the close villages like Lojc, Rostynian, Pawzoli, Lawryniszki and etc. bus which was given by the Kujawsko-pomorskie branch of the society “ Wspolnota Polska” and self-government of the Vilnius’ region is very helpful. The bus takes to school and drive them home 56 kids from 13 close villages.
The biggest problem of the director of the school is absence of the Polish preschool. The only one is a Lithuanian preschool in Suderewo which polish children attend because there is not any different. The good news is that there is already a permission for the building up to the school. A permission was issued by the department of culture because the building of the school is a monument. The director is happy about the vision of having preschool at the school.
“There is a reason to be happy. I have a really hard working group of teachers “ said director.
The work of the teachers is reflected in the grades of the teachers. The walls of school are full with the diplomas from contests from all sorts of subjects.
Most of the diplomas and awards are from sport’s contests in all kind of subjects. Polish History is also graded highly, even though, this subject is not among the school program. In the contest titled “ What do you know about Poland?” which was organized by Polska Macierz Szkolna in Lithunia student Waldemar Mazur who’s teacher is Lucja Lapszewicz was among 10 best schools of high schools and Gimnazjum in Vilnius region.
The students and teachers take care of their polish. They are take its part in the all sorts of the contests from polish language. (3rd place for Małgorzata Michałkiewicz) and in contest” The Master of Orthography”(1st place for Anna Lipniewicz). Contest which is titled” I write without any mistakes” is for the youngest ones.
Moreover, the school has its theatre tilled in the Word of fairy tales which is directed by Jolanta Rinkunienė. Also, there is a band “Suderwianka” with the choir directed by Iwona Bujnowska and dance group of Anna Miluszkiewicz.
During the summertime school is close to the students too. There were classes of summer school of Arts seven years in a row where kids could get the knowledge about being an actor with professional instructors from Białystok
Jordan’s sister organized a camp called „ Vacation with God” where youths could merge playtime with prayer and have their summer fulfilled. And it is not the end because it is hard to say about all of the achievements of students and teachers in such short piece of paper.
„We are very open school we like guests” – Said the director of the school. “ we are co-operating with elementary school dedicated to Mieszko I in Bialystok and with the group of mainstreaming schools in Wloclawek. We are very pleased that representatives of those schools are going to be here. The patron of our school was very hospitable and always had a lot of guests at the villa in Suderewo during the summer. We can say that we are continuing the tradition of the Polish hospitality. “ – jokes the director of the school.
Beautiful scenery of the town brought also poets with the event titled” May at the Villa”. Where the poets from Vilnius region and from other countries start the mission of taking the poetry is going to houses. From word to word it came out that in Rakowo are living the relatives of the Poet Marian Zdziechowski who is the Patron of the school. Kazimerz the grandchild the Marian’s brother together with wife Anna were invited to come to school in Suderewo. Zdziechowski family established the laureate’s Fund dedicated to Marian Zdziechowski which is materially assisting the best students of our school.
The best 10th grader get reward every year. The first student was Daniel Kardisand. Last year it was Izabela Choroscin.
We walk around the school. Kids a brawl during the pause, the lesson looks different. We walk in to the class of the Renata Tomasiewicz the teacher of the beginning classes. She is the graduerter of the school and after finishing the Pedagogical university in Vilnius she came back to her family town. She works here six years. she has problaby the hardest work because she works in the class which was established from the amalgamation of the class II and IV. She needs to rethink twice about her organization but she is doing fine.
Kindergarten leads Czeslawa Kardis, there are only five kids but they are really have big
personalities. Mirek, Gabriela, Arkadiusz, Kamila and Gabriel sing the song really loud and show with their bodies what the song is about. Thru the window is seen beautiful sight of the lake.
7th grade has the test from the history and focused writes on the testing sheet. Mrs. Lucyna Lapszewicz teaches the history in Polish because it was the wish of the parents. She uses some exercises in Lithuanian language and students do not have problems with vocabulary from history in Lithuanian.
The director is really proud of the build into piece of school which was established in 2002-2003 year as a gift of Polish nation from donation of Senate of Republic of Poland. Since January of 2004 part of the students went to the new part of building. There are beginning class, computer science class where are computers donated by Poles from Los Angeles. The big gym makes the impression which is also used as the aula when the chairs are put in.
“I like this school I love my job and I would not change it for anything else” – says the director Teresa Młynska. It is seen – the school is nice place to be in, there is a nice atmosphere. The supervisor of the school some achievements has behind her and still there are some to be achieved in the near future. She is fighting with every day routine whish followed with some colorful holidays of school. Soon on every holiday it will be possible to say: “ Students attention, bring the school’s banner!”.
Some History
Written sources shows Suderewo in 1493, the villa was established by then. Since 1504 the community was established too. In 1637 villa and the ground around it belong to that time Mayor of the Vilnius region Mrs. J. Sienkiewicz . In 1669 villa was donated for Jesuits. In the second half of the 18th century bought it Vilnius Bishop Igancy Massalski who also had few villas close to the Vilnius. In 1883 villa belong the bishop Walenty Wolczacki. Suderewo has a church dedicated to Saint Trinity with special architecture with the plan of rotunda. The orbicular shape in the antic times symbolized the perfection which harmonizes with the idea of perfect God. This classic church was probably designed by Wawrzyniec Stuoka –Gucewicz. The church was build in years 1803 -1822 from the imitative of the owner of the Villa in Suderewo Bishop Walnety Wolczacki. The church was built with the idea of the Roman Pantheon. During the time of building the church Wawrzyniec was looking after it. And he is seen as the author of plan of the church in the book of Maria Chmielewska titled:” The church in Suderewo close to the Vilnius”. The figures of 4 evangelists in front of the church and the main altar was made by the sculptor Ignacy Gulman. The inside was decorated be Napoleon Illakowicz. In 1834 church was preserved by bishop Andrzej Benedykt Klagiewicz. The church is known by the great acoustics.
Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2012/11/22/sztandar-dla-szkoly-im-mariana-zdziechowskiego-w-suderwie/
Tłumaczenie Karolina Przybyło w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Karolina Przybyło the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.