• November 14, 2012
  • 444

The Promotion of Native Language

Film and musical soirées, language games, meetings with poets, poetry recitation competitions, trips – they are a few attractions provided by “The Week of Polish Language” [Polish: Tydzień Języka Polskiego] organized in schools of Vilnius district municipality and inaugurated by Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. 

Almost 170 participants from 27 schools form Vilnius district municipality took part in the inauguration of “The Week of Polish Language” organized by the Methodological Circle of Polish Philologist from Vilnius Region [Polish: Koło Metodyczne Polonistów Rejonu Wileńskiego]. The ceremony took place on November 15, 2012, in Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. For the first time “The Week of Polish Language” was organized on such a large scale and united school and academic circles.

“In my opinion, such events are extremely necessary for students who mainly associate Polish language with school lessons that are limited by the curriculum. We want to light a spark of interest in them and encourage them to study Polish culture and their native language. This initiative is extremely valuable because we have managed to unite academic and school circles.” said Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Irena Masojć, a director of the Centre of Polish Language, Culture and Theory of Teaching in Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences.

The inauguration began with the joint performance of two choirs, “Legenda” and “Credo” (under the care of Jasia Mackiewicz), form Rev J. Obrembski Comprehensive School and the recitation of poetry by young students form St R. Kalinowski Upper-Secondary School in Nemėžis. Assistant Professor, Ph.D. Romuald Naruniec delivered a lecture titled “Searching for Identity in Contemporary Literature”. Then, students actively participated in a spelling competition. They were writing a dictation prepared by Ph.D. Barbara Dwilewicz. The winners of the competition will be announced at the closing ceremony of “The Week of Polish Language” at Vilnius University. The representatives of each school participated also in a quiz concerning Polish language, culture and literature. Students who collected the highest number of points were awarded with books.

“Polish is our native language and we should foster it.” Erlan Grigalevičius from the primary school in Riešė. According to him, the most difficult element of Polish language is probably spelling but he added that someone who studies well does not have big problems with it. For him as well as for his friend, Jarosław Pietruszkiewicz, dictation did not pose a big problem. However, they admitted that the quiz was much more difficult.

The inauguration was closed with a concert of “Viva L’arte”, a group established by female students  in the first year of Polish philology at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences.

“In schools of Vilnius district municipality The Week of Polish Language takes place between 15th and 17th of November. The initiative includes poetic and musical soirées, poetry recitation competitions, meetings with poets, journalists, conferences, dictations, language games, etc. The main aims of the initiative are the promotion of Polish language and linguistic correctness among teenagers, broadening of knowledge concerning the culture of the language, arousing interest in Polish film, theatre and poetry, and finally the presentation of students’ successes.” said Janina Klimaszewska, an expert of The Educational Department of Vilnius local government and guardian of Polish philologists. She invites school communities, parents, grandparents and all interested people to participate in the event.

Iwona Klimaszewska

Source: http://www.tygodnik.lt/201248/

Tłumaczenie Karolina Rolka w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Karolina Rolka the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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