- November 13, 2012
- 355
The conditions of EAPL : the minima wage 1200 lits.
Leaders of the social democrats, Labour Party and the law and the order met with the representatives of EAPL. EAPL proposed a system of 3+1 which means that negotiations about new member of the ruling coalition will be held together.
After the meeting the leaders of the party did not want to tell any comments. EAPL made conditions after whom the party will be able to join the coalition. Unfortunately there was no comments about department’s seats.
EAPL made a few conditions. I can tell that we have managed to make a consensus. Of course there are going to be some discussions among the groups. The last issues will be solved on Wednesday. – said the leader of social democrats Algirdas Butkevičius
Unofficially, it is said that coalition of three parties needs EAPL because of the relations with Poland and to make the majority in Seym.
The conditions of EAPL
EAPL called on usage of biofuel in the country, increment of 30 percent of financing the local roads. Also, EAPL called on the increment of the minimal wage up to 1200 lits till the end of 2013 year, finishing the agricultural reform and final payoffs to the owners of the nationalizated land during the soviet time.
EAPL asks its partners to not to block new projects of the party. As it is known, EAPL is headed with strict catholic rules and it is for the ban of the abortion. Also, EAPL is against the in-vitro, and for them the concept of the family happens only with a marriage .
We have managed the agreement about our program propositions today. It is a step forward and the topic of the department’s seat was not tug in. we just did not have enough time, we are meeting tomorrow at 11 am- said Tomaszweski.
Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/aktualia/litwa/warunki-awpl.d?id=59978277
Tłumaczenie Karolina Przybyło w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Karolina Przybyło the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.