• November 6, 2012
  • 389

Ministry of Science and Higher Education (Poland) for Rossa in Vilnius.

The Cemetery in Rossa, Photo by wilnoteka.lt

Ministry of science and Higher education of Polish Rebublic would like to inform that it will get over almost 89 million zlotys for the projects. Those projects are accomplished within the programme  of the development of Humanities. From over 540 of findings, 209 were awarded for the projects of polish language, polish literature, history, and national heritage. The money will be given inter alias for historical studies and cataloguing on the Cemetery on Rossa in Vilnius.

 In this year edition of the National Programme of Development of Humanities projects in three subjects got financed:

– Investigational ( furtherance long term documentary works, editorial and investigational with the fundamental meaning for the national heritage and national culture and projects accomplished within co-operation with inter-environmental and inter-disciplinary by Polish – abroad groups).

– Advocate young Humanist(advocating group studies of scientific studies accomplished within the co-operation by inter-institutional, inter-disciplinary and international doctoral students. Financing scholarships of doctoral students and post-doctoral for the accomplishment of projects for important meaning for the humanities).

– Promoting the results of humanistic studies by Poles in the world (translations and publication of the arts in the highest level of science).

The money for this year’s edition of the programme are going to be destined inter allia  for finishing the Seym’s edtion Corpus by Jan Kochanowski, historical studies and cataloguing at the Cemetery Rossa in Vilnius  and bailout of the translation for the foreign languages of monograph and publications of Polish Literature.

The National Programme for the Development of Humanities has been established of November 5TH of 2010. Its budget amounts almost 200 million of zlotys. Until this time the programme helped to finance studies projects for the amount of 110 million zlotys. There are going to be organized by polish humanists for the next years. before the establishment of the Programme average amount of money amounted about 15-19 million zlotys.

Source:  http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/mnisw-rp-dla-wilenskiej-rossy

Tłumaczenie Karolina Przybyło w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Karolina Przybyło the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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